Aishiteruze Baby Series
Tagged under Youko Maki, TMS Entertainment, Series.
There was a boy, and there was a girl: a baby girl. Welcome to Aishiteruze Baby and say hello to Katakura Kippei, a student in high school with a crowd of girls at his beck and a slacker-extraordinaire. Suddenly, in comes cute Yuzuyu from his aunt that makes Kippei's oni-chan turn a 180-degree look on life. With the cute bombshell dropped on Kippei, he is given the responsibility to oversee and care for Yuzuyu as the eldest son in the family. Kippei, of course, is befuddled by the whole ordeal and does his best to care for Yuzuyu, and through that process he learns what it is to be serious and committed to what one really cares for. Finally setting his heart on Kokoro-chan, (pun, hehe) he also goes through his social life and life in general in a new light because of his little baby sister. Realistic problems with Yuzuyu, Kokoro, his family and interaction between all characters are cleverly depicted throughout the series and at the end of it all, Kippei changed the most by learning something dear to the heart.
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Warning: Undefined array key "footer" in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 3Cokedupmonkey1's Aishiteruze Baby Tv Review
Warning: Undefined variable $cover in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 7Rated:
Aishiteruze Baby is an original, clever, emotional, and gripping anime. The show does well to not only weave one episode in with others, but it also has something that many anime series over look, good transitions. The show maybe slow to start and slow to get going and slow to finish but for this kind of subject matter it is well suited. The show seems to focus on character development and not plot development allowing the writing to shine though. Much of the emotions that are felt by the characters are easy to relate to and that is where its strength lies. There is of course the draw back that the voice acting can not really carry the dialog, but they do it well enough to convey the emotions behind it.
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Member Opinions
Great anime, The animation style isnt that oldschool but definitly classic, the story is deep and wellmade. the Main Character is a pain in the A** sometimes but all in one a good anime if it comes to romance and slice of life
It's a lovely story. The characters made me laugh and cry. The private stories of each character are so interesting, some of them are very sad but at the end they have a happy ending. It's one of the most beautiful stories I had read in my life but it has an unhappy ending for me. I don't know if Kippei took the right decision but it would be great if he hadn't, maybe the story wouldn't have finished like that. I recommend this story.
Cute, heartwarming series about a young highschool boy rising up a kindergarden girl. It starts slow and the budget for this series was very low so the character designs, animation and voice acting aren't very good.
Katakura Kippei is in every way a high school playboy. Spending his days flirting with any female he can see, responsibility is the last thing on his mind. Life takes an unexpected turn for him as one day he returns home to find himself with the fulltime task of caring for his 5 year old cousin. Kippei's aunt Miyako had disappeared, appearing to have abandoned his cousin, Yuzuyu. With Kippei's lack of responsibility and knowledge of childcare and Yuzuyu's injured heart with the disappearance of her mother, their time together is in for a bumpy ride. Based on the manga by Maki Youko.
The beginning was a bit dead or dull. It took me a whole lot of closing my eyes to actually start watching the anime and understand it from a kid's view. Though the playboy idea for Kippei was new for an anime [for me anyways]. I watched this anime because I fell in-love with the manga and how cute Yuzuyu is, but with the anime it kind of fell down a bit. They didn't portray Yuzuyu and Kippei well. Also, they could have gotten a much better seiyuu for Yuzuyu the voice annoys me to so much, it was hard to listen to. Also since Yuzuyu was only 5 years old in the beginning of the anime, it's hard for me understand how a 5 year old understands her situation let alone speak in complete sentences without failing. Thus I give this anime a rate of 6.25, I like it, but I don't love it.
this story is so cute too.. it's about a guy (a chick-boy) where he was assigned to take car or babysit his cousin, a girl whose mum were gone (disappeared) recently after her husband died... this little girl is so cute and after many days she become attached to his Kippei-niichan.. i like also the thing between kippei and his classmate which whom become his girlfriend..