Aoi Bungaku Series, OVA
Tagged under Takeshi Obata, Takeshi Konomi, Kubo Tite, Polygon Pictures, Madhouse, Series.
Aoi Bungaku Scans
Member Opinions
Whoa, finally finished it. I dropped it after 7th episode for about half a year. However, I'm glad I came back to
it. Propably I forget if the first story was really good or not. It was heavy for sure and the plot was developing
slowly. No doubt that the japanese writer of "No longer human" book (I'm sure it was the title of the
first story) was really desperate and even commited suicide if I remember correctly. I believe I wasn't interested
in the second story much. Maybe thats the reason I dropped the series. "Kokoro" (the same author as "No
longer human") was a lot better. Not everything is said from the start so the plot is quite intriguing. Then was
"Run Melos" about friendship, with following leitmotiv: which is worse- wait or make someone waiting. Really
like this one, it was touching. The last story was good as well. Two tragedic stories were shown- of a murderer and of
an artist.
Overall its a good show, with awesome graphics. All the stories are based on best selling japanese novels. I'm glad
a show like this was created, good to see something original in a while.
rather difficult to comprehend some of its topics, probably need to read the original books first to fully appreciate. having said that though, this anime is an odd-man out of the mainstream anime topic. well done in that perspective. another point to highlight is having an real actor introducing the anime intention gives the anime its context and set the overall tone.
This comment dedicated for all arcs of "Aoi Bungaku Series"
Classic works are distinguished by the fact that explore aspects of human life, which slightly depend on the place and
time of action. This series, set on the novels and short stories of four Japanese writers of the first half of XX
century - is no exception. In each scene arc through various images of the eastern and western culture the author and
readers (viewers) are looking for answers to the age-old questions of existence. What is the meaning of life that makes
a man a man? Can I despise with impunity laws and customs of society? What is sin and what are the limits of
retribution? What is the true nature and power of friendship?
True art is immortal, and if not ready to give advice, it helps to find your own way. And all the works, filmed in this
mini-series, no doubt, belong to the true art!