Ashita no Nadja Scans
Member Opinions
I must say the story is absolutely wonderful, though it's mostly light-hearted. It's a bout a young girl going on 14 who lives in an orphanage with a special brooch (which is the only link to her mother). The characters are charming. The storyline just keeps evolving and time and time again they come with unexpected situations. In each episode, Nadja meets all sorts of interesting people who get the chance to tell their stories. It's a fun watch, the comedy isn’t all that hilarious but the romance is very nice.
Very nice this anime, the first few episodes seemed boring but then I had to think again. Nadja with courage and determination, enter this circus company not only gets more and more stories but learn new things> w <discovering the world, traveling, traveling to reach his goal Beautiful when it meets the thief Keith * W *
Oh, I remember I used to watch this anime series behind my mom's back late at night in cartoon network. I found it so cute and romanctic back then, but I always thought Nadja was too young. All the male characters were amazing, specially Keith.
I remember one chapter specially, when she goes out with Keith thinking he is Frances, I think they are in Granada. That's my favorite chapter, I fell in love with Keith and the end of that chapter.
And the worst thing is that I'm not sure whom did she choose! (Um, did I wrote that alright? My english is horrible sometimes) I mean, I think she chose Francis, but who knows, she left =(