
Ayakashi Koi Emaki - Wallpaper and Scan Gallery

Ayakashi Koi Emaki Series

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Tagged under Mayu Shinjo, Series.

Ayakashi Koi Emaki Scans

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  • Ayakashi Koi Emaki

    Ayakashi Koi Emaki

  • Ayakashi Koi Emaki

    Ayakashi Koi Emaki

  • Ayakashi Koi Emaki

    Ayakashi Koi Emaki

  • Ayakashi Koi Emaki

    Ayakashi Koi Emaki

  • Ayakashi Koi Emaki

    Ayakashi Koi Emaki

  • Ayakashi Koi Emaki

    Ayakashi Koi Emaki

  • Ayakashi Koi Emaki

    Ayakashi Koi Emaki

  • Ayakashi Koi Emaki

    Ayakashi Koi Emaki

  • Ayakashi Koi Emaki

    Ayakashi Koi Emaki

  • Ayakashi Koi Emaki

    Ayakashi Koi Emaki

  • Ayakashi Koi Emaki

    Ayakashi Koi Emaki

  • Ayakashi Koi Emaki

    Ayakashi Koi Emaki

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Member Opinions

aureawolf aureawolf

Well... it's good enough. Shinjo-sensei's art has improve with years, the female character also is kinda more solid and respectable than the previous ones and the ero-hero is funnier and more loose :D. I don't know what to think anymore... All this mangaka's stories have got quite a dose of smut and ecchi... even when it had the same amount of coherent plot as a porn movie, I ejoyed it. Now, it takes chapters and chapters for anything subtle to happen! What's that about? I don't mean that I want the forced sex (near rape) scenes back but... something in between would be nice... :/

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