Bible Black Series

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Back07's Bible Black Game Review

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Rated: 6

Bible Black's an odd one to be honest. I like the game, but the storyline's just a bit TOO unrealistic at times and rather over focused on sex in parts too! Plus, I find the whole concept of "futanari"s a bit disturbing, but that's just me. Putting this aside, the game's fairly well made apart from the many many types and translation errors. There's plenty of replay value, especially since some of the endings are really hard to find.

Although I kinda dislike this game.

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Member Opinions

pandemonium91 pandemonium91

One of the better hentai series, because it actually tries to present a plot — just keep in mind this IS hentai, and don't go in expecting a lot of depth. For the most part it works and some episodes are genuinely creepy. There's also the chance that you'll encounter the kink of your choice, as there are plenty of options explored here. The animation is average and sometimes sloppy, but nonetheless visually pleasing.

Summer67 Summer67

Not so Great: I had hoped for a more dark sinnister plot,(that wasn't too bad), but it was swallowed up by too much of the hentai stuff. I actually started watching this early on in my discovering anime time, and thought it would be a cool horror type show. At that time I wasn't familiar with hentai, so it was quite a surprise when I discovered the hard way what exactly what the term meant lol. I did think it was kind of cool with the demons and such but, all the other hentai stuff kind of ruined it for me. If I actually had been looking to watch that type of series, I might have actually rather liked it though.

bleachsenafan bleachsenafan

WOW! Bible Black has to be my second favorite Hentai Series. Love the art, animation, plot and characters. This series is one of the popular ones. Is quite shocking that the same creators made different series but they weren't as popular as Bible Black. Gotta love those chicks!
My 3 fave characters: Imari, Kozono, Takashi

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