Birdy the Mighty Scans
Warning: Undefined array key "footer" in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 3Weskalia's Birdy the Mighty Tv Review
Warning: Undefined variable $cover in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 7Rated:
All told, Birdy the Mighty: Decode serves its purpose well of reclaiming the right for old school anime. Its idea is not so new, but with its high production qualities are more than enough to attract any anime fans.
Season one is a bit cheap, sketchy but if you stick with the series to its second, that's when the producers bring the big guns. But since season two starts intriguing then turns sort of predictable and with its cliffhanging ending filled with some left-opened stories, a third one is needed. For all its superior qualities, this is still standard alien fare, complete with silly weird-looking baddies and weapons of mass destruction.
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