Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Series
Tagged under Naoko Takeuchi, Toei Animation, Series.
Usagi Tsukino is a young girl who loves to eat and sleep, and hates
school. Her life completely changes one day, when she rescues a cat from some bullies; the cat later gives Usagi a brooch that allows her to transform into Sailor Moon and fight off the awakened forces of evil. Although clumsy at
first, Usagi gradually learns to fight and meets valuable allies, as well as formidable foes, all while learning about
her mission and mysterious past, which spans millennia of battle and romance.
The story is a sequel to Codename: Sailor V, which focuses on Minako Aino's time as Sailor V before the events of BSSM.
- For
convenience, use the alias "BSSM" when adding this tag to images.
- Tag only what you see! e.g. do NOT add the
"Usagi Tsukino" tag if only Sailor Moon is in the image.
- The transformations are listed under the civilian
persona tags e.g. Sailor Moon is listed under Usagi Tsukino.
- For images from the manga, add only the Naoko Takeuchi tag. For images from the show(s), add only the Toei Animation tag.
- Transformation and Attack Items will not be tagged here. e.g:
Henshin Brooch, Garnet Rod.
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Wallpapers
Kousuke Fujishima Wallpaper by Raffachan
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Scans
Warning: Undefined array key "footer" in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 3Mnemosyne's Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Tv Review
Warning: Undefined variable $cover in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 7Rated:
I always enjoy watching Stars. There is a tension and even frustration on my part because not all of the characters have all of the important information, while the viewer does. And my utter hatred for Seiya... well that makes things interesting as well.
The humor is pretty much the same as it has been through the entire series. Usagi-sama is somewhat oblivious most of the time, and that can make for some pretty amusing scenes. (like that Blake/break scene...) And the tension that I won't shut up about even takes a few comic turns (people who hate each other + small spaces = fun for me). The villains are hilarious as well. (err... most of them...) I personally love the humor, but maybe it's something you have to be in the right mood for because I know not everyone does.
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Member Opinions
Technically I've been watching the Sailor Moon anime for almost 22 years mostly in bits and pieces. Have seen all of the first dub, still haven't but a few Stars yet, but I've one more DVD to go.
I'm still on the fence with Crystal.
The ultimate shoujo series. Essays can be written about this, so I'll keep it short: the manga is more serious than the anime and surprisingly sad. The anime, while more popular, suffers heavily from its episodic, monster-of-the-week nature. The characters are well fleshed out, though, and quite relatable. I dropped BSSM Crystal, though, because it's boring as sin.
This was my first anime (not sure why I didn't add this sooner). My friend in school liked it & when I asked her about it, she told me about it & asked if I'd ever seen it. I told her no but I was interested enough to wanna take a look, so she lent me a DVD of the first movie to see if I'd like it. And for whatever reason I pretty much became a fan right away. I've seen all of the original series & all of the movies. Then along came Gundam & Dragon Ball Z to complete my starting anime trilogy. After those three series, the gates were opened to the great anime & manga fan that I still am to this day!^^
Now I'm checking out Sailor Moon Crystal, super pumped to dive into this not only for nostalgia factor, but also to see how this series goes. Because as I've been told, it's faithful to the manga (as compared to the original Sailor Moon anime series) & since I've never read any of it I'm really interested & excited to see what I get. ^^
Seeing all the Senshi together in the beginning of the Stars season was a real treat and how great an ensemble they are with their strong camaraderie, it made me cry at such a beautiful bond the girls have for one another. It made me realize that they are amazing role models for all as they fight in what they believe in most and cherish the relationships they have with those around them. My Top 5 Favorite Senshi include; Mars (Rei), Neptune (Michiru), Uranus (Haruka), Saturn (Hotaru), Venus (Minako). Usagi shows her strength as the series progresses and I love how she evolves as a character. Also, I prefer the charm that was given in the original 90's anime with certain filler episodes peppered in to shine the spotlight on other Senshi, they don't get that in Crystal and I don't really care for Crystal's character designs. The only filler arc I dislike from the original anime is the one that is shown at the beginning of the R season. The antagonists I dislike the most are the siblings from the filler arc in R and Black Lady, I dislike Black Lady because she's just a mere product of brainwashing over something so cliche.
Well it was my first real Anime ^^
Honestly I must say I would watch it again - when it will be played on the TV!
Also now watching the new SailorMoon2014 and I have to say it's even better then the old one! Artwork is more
pretty and it's not taking so long after another Senshi is coming/enemy is defeated!
Though I have watched 3/4 of the series, I still want to give Sailormoon the title as "The Mother of Magical Girls Anime". Sailormoon is another wonderful anime.I love the thought of making girls as strong heroines because it somehow empower gender equality. I love how the characters are so distinct from one another and that their attitudes were made trademarks for them.I love the comedy but sometimes it does not know where to place itself, I can't give a perfect 10.Usagi's a total scatter-brain and sometimes it really annoys me though I still consider Sailormoon as one of my most loved anime.Anyways, Sailor Jupiter is my favorite senshi, she's strong, she's beautiful, she's sexy and tall, good in cooking and has cool lightning and thunder power ^_^
My rating actually goes to the most recent version of Sailor Moon Crystal.
The art style and story was close to the original manga version, and it gives you a nostalgic feeling when watching.
However, there are many cases in the episodes where the drawings are simply horrible! (I've heard because it was
low on budget)
That is why I cannot give a rating of 10.
This is actually for SM Crystal, Which apparently still isn't a category around here, dunno why though.
I have some serious issues with some of the mostly unnecessary plot changes from the manga and the original anime (which
I obviously love immensely) and the animation Is SUPER inconsistent, but it still has it's moments. So far is far
from the magical manga and the nostalgic first anime take.
I grew up with Sailor Moon and her scouts. Its one of the best childhood shows I watched. I sadly don't know much to say other then that if you like magical girls, this is a good one to watch.
There is currently a re-boot going on called Sailor Moon Crystal and is fantastic!
The Anime that started it all for me. This Anime is the one series that got me into Anime and searching for Anime I never heard of since from my Youth to now.
I love this so much that I own all the ADV DVDs. Those versions have both Subbed and dubbed.
Sailor Stars was never released to the US so I got some sort of bootlegged version of Sailor Stars. At the time, I
didn't even know anything about the term "bootleg". Damn ebay.
I heard the Anime had its differences from the Manga. It completely drifted off the Manga course when it came to the Final Anime Season: Sailor Stars. I think I need to find the Manga...but news of a New Sailor Moon Anime have me pumped. I must be patient.
Watch this subbed. Nothing won't be cut and differentiate from the original script.
Pantyshots here are rare. You have to pay attention if it is your thing.
I am quite bias when it comes to the Sailor Moon series. Since, this is what got me into Anime in the first place. Though I had never seen 'everything' since I was watching it on the TV. Like many of us did.
But since I have seen it all I must say it was good. I'd of loved it if the voice actresses/actors would of remained somewhat the same but as far as the story line and all. I think it was worth watching it all. The plot progressed nicely and a bit more in depth then I though it was going to. Yet, I wonder how I'd feel about it if the Stars were translated to English.
So, in the end. It could of been really bad and I'd of still loved these series. So, I am quite bias but give it a shot. Its at least worth a look!
Have more for nostalgia's sake than anything else, but have seen every episode, movie, and special. Missing the fifth series due to lack of US release, and do not own any of the movies. I have no real drive to complete the collection at the moment, but may if something pops up at a good price.
The very first seen anime, not so long ago read the manga, and... Was impressed by the difference. Naoko-sensei's story was not that touching like anime-version because of her hurricane of scenario. Anime is a bit too lazy, but atmosphere and other ways of scenario made me love it stronger than original one. Great story, that made me love anime itself.)
Favorite childhood anime. Of course that it’s very repetitive and stereotyped, especially on the romance Serena/Darien and in the sailor scouts friendship, but it's still fantastic. It’s a very good lesson of determination, priorities, and I still remember those songs about the power of love.
I have always felt that this show was ment more for a girl, but it really wasn't that bad. I mean it was focused on more girlished themed stuff which I think is why I though so, but overall it was good. I hardly remember too much about it so I will have to watch it again.