
Black Jack - Wallpaper and Scan Gallery

Black Jack Series

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Tagged under Osamu Tezuka, Tezuka Productions, Series.

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Member Opinions

renlilica renlilica

I watched it way back in 2006 and 2007. It's an inspiring anime, the main character is dr. black Jack he is a cool and composed doctor and the best part is that he's the best unlicensed doctor. Every episode is almost the same with some of their past revealing in some episodes, otherwise it's him going around saving many others with unnatural and almost incurable diseases where he'll ask for a high fee and after the operation he most of the time excuses.

Cielo-Plus Cielo-Plus

This series is too underrated.
It should be more popular than those animes that keep the same taste over and over again.
This anime is a great lesson about life, about love and about true miracles.

singlemoon singlemoon

I wonder why the main image for BJ in this site shows a sexy girl? Black Jack is tagged under Osamu Tezuka right??
Well anyway, even thou the art aren't too great, I think the plot pawned! I just love how Dr. BJ finds a solution for any worst-case-scenario operation in this anime~
Saw the OVA first before the TV anime and I really love it~ even the OSTs are great! XD

ecnelisterger ecnelisterger

Definitely Osamu Tezuka's masterpiece!
I first came across this series in Animax, the OVA one, and I LOVE IT. I know, the graphic wasn't that cool or awesome, but this anime proves that great plot exceed everything by far.

ravn90 ravn90

I absolutley adore Osamu Tezuka's work, and Balck Jack is far up on my list of must see anime (or read the manga)
older episodes are hard to come by, but by god..if you can, it's worth it. the stories and characters are so lovable

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