Casshern Sins Series

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Distillme's Casshern Sins Tv Review

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Rated: 10

I think most people would enjoy Casshern Sins. If you are not into dark apocalyptic animes that don't always have a 'happy ending' then this might not be the show for you. I say this because, yes, a lot of messed up and sad things do happen, but how these events influenced the characters is what made Casshern Sins so enjoyable. There are still light hearted parts of course, but keep in mind the bigger message of this story and it will mean 100 times more to you in the end.

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Member Opinions

SavingtheGeneration SavingtheGeneration

This show was really, really good. My only problem was that it almost seemed completely plotless at times. You could pretty much just jump from episode 1 to episode 8 and not have skipped a beat. Animation on the other hand, was absolutely beautiful. I honestly just bought this show because of an amazing amv called Trial by Drowning by pinkhaze. I'm glad I did. Eric Vale did an AMAZING job as Casshern. His angst was so real I found myself crying at times because I felt his despair. This is a great show if you like action and romance. Casshern and Lyuze's love scene in like...episode 22 or 24, blew me away. I guess I just wasn't expecting it, so it was amazing to watch. The show ended ok. It was kind of a bittersweet ending, but I can't imagine it ending another way, so it was well worth the purchase.

Chikaru-chan Chikaru-chan

One of these anime which should have title: 'they do not care about us' or 'very forgotten'. And I do not know really why!? This anime is freaking awesome. There are really few things for which I could to fault in it.
At first I could not find this anime anywhere (finally, after a long search I found a forgotten torrent. Once the series downloaded, I started to watch it). None of my friends watched this anime or even knew it (hence my opinion about 'very forgotten' anime).
The music and the style of drawing in this anime are in high position. Music - very climatic, it indulging in scenes. I love first ending from this anime. Style of drawing - it is VERY original and formed on the model of old-school. This is not a simple style of drawing which we can see in anime present times. It caught my attention the most.
Anime is not easy to take, it requires focus and thinking at the time of watching. I do not recommend this series to those who do not like tags like: psychology and sci-fi. If this is not an obstacle for you and you like a series telling about simple things in an unusual way you should get tempted and watch it.

angelxxuan angelxxuan

I adored the live action movie, but the series was too artwork deprived, let alone plot for me to even bother with getting interested into it. I tried watching it over and over again, but still no love ever came for it.

RaitoTheReaper RaitoTheReaper

I never saw the original Casshern series, so I started watching this series with a blank slate. After watching a few episodes, I fell in love with the series. It starts off, and honestly, ends somewhat slow, but throughout the story you really get a feel for just how much Casshern and the world is suffering.

HurtHattori HurtHattori

Watched the first episode... it looks sad and depressing but deep at the same time; I don't know yet if I'll continue to watch it. The post apocalyptic setting looks really interesting, and I think I would enjoy this show.

johnvolk johnvolk

a little long in the dialoge and you can totaly tell when there useing an older scean in a new episoide, but it had it where it counted. a driveing story and characters as deep as the ocean. i love these types of anime. but i cannot over look the clear reuse of old sceans so often. and the ending..... i think he should have done it. but thats me, anyway 8.75 is a pretty good score for this. and i highly recommend it to people who watch an anime for the story. not so much for the younger ages 12 and down.

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