Chinese Dress Theme
Tagged under Chinese Clothes, Dresses.
The typical Chinese dress is long and cut off at thigh level on both sides. It is also sleeveless (or has small sleeves)
but covers the neck. Of course, certain designs don't have thigh slits, and their length can vary from mid-thigh to
A cheongsam can be simple (one color) or adorned with designs such as dragons or floral patterns. It is most often worn with flats.
Also see: Bun
Chinese Dress Wallpapers
Mabinogi Wallpaper by AlexXan
Gintama Wallpaper by Kitaan
Cardcaptor Sakura Wallpaper by kunogi09midori
The Breaker Wallpaper by jakuro
Gintama Wallpaper by VanessaBR
Cardcaptor Sakura Wallpaper by sheilaregine
Satoshi Kiba Wallpaper by Akarix
Cardcaptor Sakura Wallpaper by miriambr
Yukirin Wallpaper by Ayasal
Kao no nai Tsuki Wallpaper by nolove
Fortune Cookie Wallpaper by peachiemint
Black Lagoon Wallpaper by FNatt
Bleach Wallpaper by RengekiShin
Original Wallpaper by xiwangchan
Aoi Nishimata Wallpaper by PastorOfMuppets
Bleach Wallpaper by ceasarr