Corpse Demon

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MegumiShimizu's Corpse Demon Manga Review

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Rated: 9

The presentation was good in the manga however it was not the best in the anime adaptation.

Tagged under Corpse Demon | Warning: Undefined variable $comments in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 21 comments | Read More »

Member Opinions


Amazing story! Love all the versions, though my fav was probably manga! Not sure if I like what they did with Megumi considering she isn't psychopatic in the novels but I guess it helped make her character a bit more likable and have a depth considering she was a bit boring in the novels too like the rest of the teenagers haha! <3 Amazing anime, though some details were unnecesserily overly brutal like Nao or Megumi's deaths! If they killed Megumi like she died in the manga, it would've been so much better cuz of the plot twist by the end of chapter 39, however the detail they did to Nao was better than in the manga! I think it was a bit rushed but it's understandable since It's sure not easy to make an anime!

LenoreDiKaat LenoreDiKaat

Not what you'd expect from an anime about vampires, but it's really good. It has a very dark feel to it and the atmosphere of the town it's settle in can really give you the creeps. Though the vampires in this series are kind of lame, the plot and pace of the story will keep you watching all the way through it. Highly recommended to watch during a cold, windy night.

MelgyArt MelgyArt

Histoire intéressante. Le genre enquête-suspense est rafraichissant et fait changement des dernières années qui nous ont submergées de romances à la Roméo et Juliette.
Shiki amène une proposition intéressante dans l'univers mythique des vampires et loups-garou. L'isolement des habitants de Sotoba coupés de la civilisation moderne appui l'atmosphere mystique... Il est fort intéressant de revenir aux anciens mythes et légendes, et l'aspect religieux qui entoure l'univers vampirique.
Toutefois, je déplore le grand nombre d'illogismes et de petits détails qui "clochent" qui ont fait vaciller mon intéret. Mème un cascadeur ne pourrait tenir la route s'il se retournait aussi longtemps que Mutou dans l'episode 3. La protubérance irrégulière des crocs/canines de Seishiro. Et dans l'épisode __, lord de la conversation entre les parents de Natsuno, j'ai été troublée par la constance et la durée interminable requise pour couper 2 "échalottes" sans jamais s'niterrompre pour changer d'aliment...
Bah, je sais, c'est des détails ... mais lorsque trop nombreux, cela distrait...

KazablanKa KazablanKa

Shiki (Corpse Demon) is a beautiful anime with a Gorgas art and perfect story line and a deep-dramatic-horror-eps that shows the humanity by vampires and that we are not in much differences from them
this is how I see it and why i love it!

kuchukuTulip kuchukuTulip

The anime overall was good. It had loads of death. It was like a war between humans and vampires. Form the looks of it they kept both side pretty neutral, giving both humans and vampires to kill one another and to survive. The story and the trickery was good but i expect more from the ending.
It was like an equation which you solve and solve and solve and the answer comes to be zero.

MisaSasekage MisaSasekage

I liked the use of vampires. It was a pretty good horror/supernatural anime in my opinion. Though the ending was slightly open-ended and I would've liked to know more about what happened to Sunako and Seishin. Also what Toshio Ozaki did to Kyoko, his own wife, when she became a Shiki all to find out more about them and what could be done to hurt or kill the Shiki disturbed me. I also really enjoyed Seishirou Kirishiki's character since I know his VA was Gackt. If you like horror anime you should definitely give Shiki a try.

AnGeeChan AnGeeChan

Freaky amazing so far. After every episode I find myself google-eyed with wide open mouth covered with both hands. Can be boring at first because story developing is kinda slow, but balanced. I am amazed how characters psyche is showed here and how surprisingly (or typical) people can behave because of it, what fear could do with one's mind and so on. In addition I love the music. Fits perfectly. I just finished 21st episode. Cant wait till next week.
Finished. I'm afraid it becomes popular to make 22 episode series instead of 24 or 26. Anyway if it comes to Shiki I'm still satisfied with the ending and overall with the whole series.Indeed, it wasn't a wasted time, you don't see something like this everyday..

Dyuu Dyuu

Nice horror anime. I think this is the first time horror anime I ever seen. The story is good. Each episode made me wanna see what will happen next. Even some people in there looks weird, but it's ok since the story is interesting enough to keep me watching. ^^

Sunao-taichou Sunao-taichou

Only two episodes left! Shiki is great, a incredibly good surprise. It's the best supernatural (and werewolf+vampire+zombie) anime I've seen so far. I didn't give it a 10 just because of some extremely weird scenes.

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