Fool Character
Tagged under Kaleido Star, Long Hair, Tiny Person, Husbando, Wavy Hair, Green Hair, Eyepatch.
Dubbed "the Spirit of the Stage", Fool can only be seen by exceptionally gifted performers. As a means of foreshadowing,
Sora can see him early on in the show and from then on he sometimes follows her around to give advice. But it soon turns
out that the mystical adviser is a pervert! Most of the time, he tries to get Sora to take a bath or otherwise take her
clothes off, which often ends in him being taped to a wall or otherwise immobilized. During his serious moments, though,
Fool also drops subtle hints towards the behaviour of other characters through reading tarot cards.
appears in a significant role in the first OVA, "The Amazing Princess Without a Smile", where it is revealed that he is
the spirit of a Jester who was once devoted to a princess who never smiled.
Description: pandemonium91