Gakuen Heaven Series, Visual Novel
Tagged under You Higuri, Spray, Games, Series.
Ito Keita is a common boy, and he has nothing to be recommend except his good luck. One day he receives a letter. It is a certification of the entrance to an elite boy's boding high school. At this school he is supposed to spend days of battles and sweet romance with handsome boys.
Gakuen Heaven Scans
Warning: Undefined array key "footer" in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 3WhiteLion's Gakuen Heaven Tv Review
Warning: Undefined variable $cover in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 7Rated:
The anime is not too bad. It's alright with BL lovers but if you're looking for something perverted, read the manga or just watch something else. Almost every episode begins with some form of sexual innuendo and when you finally realise that it's not your favourite characters getting into compromising positions, it's a bit of an anti-climax.
The humour wasn't too humrous though. Only one episode made me laugh like crazy (the Heaven's Door episode).
All in all, cute anime but there's a lot that could have been done to improve it.
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Member Opinions
A shounen-ai anime. The stories are standard, nothing memorable. It's about a teen who transfer into All
boys-school, n met some guys who look like have crushes on him.
The art looks very nice, though.
Very good shounen-ai story. Soooo many hot guys!!! Ahhhhhhhhh man, I swear they are so hot I couldn't even pick one since their just all so hot. For all you yaoi fan girls out there, I recommend :D Trust me you will love this anime. I watched it with my eyes O_O like this :D
Very Good: Even though I'm not a full Shounen Ai type person, I really enjoyed this series. A bit of mystery to it, some funny moments and of course, some pairings going on lol. This was probably one of the first shounen ai type series I watched and wasn't sure what to expect, but it opened the door for others to come :)
Gakuen Heaven...why? The only reason I persisted was that the art was beautiful and the voice acting was well fitted. That was all. I only enjoyed one episode! The thing seemed to cheesy but I guess that's what you get from a BL video game turned anime. The manga seems to have more promise (because of the smut) but beyond that, not something to really, engage the mind.
A Yaoi anime, the characters are well made, the art is nice but for me it was an average one. Although I watched it completely I didn't find it to be that much interesting, I like more perverted stuff >//>.
Not a very popular series I found this series because my friend told me about it and said it's a really
cute shouen ai anime so I watched it and she was right the main guy is adorable and it's pretty funny he a real
boy magnet lol xD anyways the storyline is cute he lost his bestfriend when he was younger and finally meets him
again at the all boys school but he dosnt remeber him well but in the end they go together just usual love tale.