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Ghost in the Shell

Ghost in the Shell Series, OVA

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Bladerunner2005's Ghost in the Shell Tv Review

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Rated: 8

I can't say GITS as a movie is truly original. It takes many areas of content from other shows. Blade Runner was more original, written and directed far before GITS. I compare these two stories for a couple of reasons.

First, in GITS, as in BR, you see a character forced to interact with his/her environment because of duty, policy, and default skill. They have no way out, so they might as well kick some ass before they get kicked. Fallibility is present in both Motoko's and Deckard's written character, and we see it show up regularly.

Second, they're hunting. What makes a good police drama is how you get to follow the good guy down a dark path towards an eventual resolution. You don't know what, but you know that the story was written to HAVE a resolution.

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Member Opinions

pikachu36 pikachu36

Wow what a great series! this series was really good in more ways than one in my opinion. This show always intrigued me on how or why whats happening is deff happening, but it was cool and kept you waiting for the next episode due to so many random events and plot changes which kept me wandering wht?, everytime I watched the series. It wasn't intill i saw Stand Alone Complex and 2nd GIG 2 times each! Till I got to understand fully what was happening in the show lol. Although I have to say the movies seem so irrelevent to he show to me though both the two series of the show and the movies have stunning artwork and animations which always leave you looking at amazment thougout the film or show.

HurtHattori HurtHattori

I have seen and own every movie and series, except Innocence. Ghost in the Shell introduced me to the sci-fi/cyberpunk genre. I also love Motoko; she's a strong female lead. I enjoyed the original movie, but really loved Stand Alone Complex and its mysteries.

Cirru Cirru

Innovating and game changing is how this felt when I first saw the movie. Some years later, Stand Alone Complex would come out and continue the storytelling of these characters and universe. The movie isn't quite like the series that are out, but the series can also further develop aspects that the movie cannot.


I have the Manga, the PSX video game, both seasons of SAC, and Solid State Society. For some reason, I never got around to the other movies, and do not have the Laughing Man or Individual Eleven OVAs. Perhaps that'll change at some point.
As an aside, the Ghost in the Shell 2.0 version was not worthwhile - most of what they changed was for the worse.

mikeb23 mikeb23

I'm giving it a 9.5 cause it has a some what complex story. I was a little lost at times but overall i got the main points of the two stories. The two seasons are amazing and have a very well thought out plot. Section 9 is like the A-Team of Japan. You should call them cause The Major, Batou, Pazu, Saito, Togusa, Ishikawa, Paz and Borma are all the S***.

Drakill Drakill

This is anime really bored me. Maybe it was just because I only watched a few episodes of this anime series. But I thought the going invisible thing was cool. Maybe I just needed to watch more episodes.

Emeralis Emeralis

Absolute legend. I own every single DVD and love watching them back-to-back every once in a while. I adore the philosophy and cyberpunk genre in this series especially and the technology ideas are really swish. I recommend this anime to everyone.

Glukogen Glukogen

I'm not a great expert in the field of anime genres - but this kind of interest me (tehnopank, probably). Anime shows one of the options for our future and, you know, this option seems quite plausible. It bit like the film "Blade Runner", but still more humanity. Feature film "Innocence" I also like, although there isn't Motoko in it (at least in the flesh)

singlemoon singlemoon

I never was a fan of sci-fi anime, but Ghost in the Shell are one of the exceptions.
It got interesting plot, cool lead character and good graphic. Great OST is one of the special features too I guess. :)

evelluchia evelluchia

a new look at ciber cops in action hehe i found this series such a load of fun to watch every epesode was a brand new adventure and it was a wild ride with the members of section nine i reccamend this series to anyone who loves a cool anime (warning contains graphic content not suitable for yunger viewers) <-- this makes you want to see it more doesent it hehe XD

i wonder what it would actually be like in 2030

angelxxuan angelxxuan

solid state society best one yet. I am waiting for another series to appear, but I believe ghost in the shell has several great movies as well as series. I just could not debate which was better. of course people would have considered this boring, but it wasn't at all boring to me. it left me entertained and thirsty for more. I seem to be engrossed in these sort of things. slightly dark but a scifi theme to it that just left it with enough to keep the anime interesting to me. and yes some of the voices kept me drawn into the anime, I watched the dub and was forced to watch the subbed version of the second movie. I'm a big time crispin freeman fan :P


Saw this entirely awhile ago. Made me sweat with being impressed. From the story to each of the people that made up the series and Movie as well - was amazing.

It was almost as good as Witch Hunter Robin was... almost

ecnelisterger ecnelisterger

Who said futuristic anime can be boring?? Not for this anime, thou. :D
I think the plot is great and they have great characters. You won't find much humour in this anime thou, but I assure you it's one of the best! You will find there is no need for humour in Ghost in the Shell.


I need to finish buying and watching this series as soon as I get the money. An excellent cyberpunk inspired premise that was well executed, with Yoko Kanno's as always amazing music as a backdrop. Not much not to like.


althoe im not realy into milltary based animes ghost in the shell just blew me away the mistery action and all of its movies were well thot out and the sort of dark pase of the story line kept me watching, it definetly changed my views on millitary based anime

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