
Hatenkou Yuugi - Wallpaper and Scan Gallery

Hatenkou Yuugi

Hatenkou Yuugi Series

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Tagged under Minari Endou, Studio DEEN, Series.

Hatenkou Yuugi Scans

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  • Kazuya Minekura

    Kazuya Minekura

  • Hatenkou Yuugi

    Hatenkou Yuugi

  • Hatenkou Yuugi

    Hatenkou Yuugi

  • Hatenkou Yuugi

    Hatenkou Yuugi

  • Hatenkou Yuugi

    Hatenkou Yuugi

  • Hatenkou Yuugi

    Hatenkou Yuugi

  • Hatenkou Yuugi

    Hatenkou Yuugi

  • Hatenkou Yuugi

    Hatenkou Yuugi

  • Hatenkou Yuugi

    Hatenkou Yuugi

  • Hatenkou Yuugi

    Hatenkou Yuugi

  • Hatenkou Yuugi

    Hatenkou Yuugi

  • Hatenkou Yuugi

    Hatenkou Yuugi

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Member Opinions

ChaosBeneathTheCalm ChaosBeneathTheCalm

I ended up loving this & wishing it didn't have to end... why? it has heart. I can deeply relate to them. They all met by chance and are on a journey together, growing closer, with twists and turns. Made me feel very nostalgic. I feel for Rahzel-chan, almost like I've been in her shoes before. Hi-tan is hilarious and Alzeid is pretty awesome!! I love the 3 of them together!
I would love to get a chance to read the entire manga to get the story from an even more in-depth point of view.

orange-lisa orange-lisa

It's useless to watch this anime without reading the manga first, you won't understand anything because there are no explanations.
And what about the end? Is that really an end?

‎ALZEID: "Should the guide really get lost?"
RAHZEL ANADIS: "Shut up. You should blame our destination for not being in the direction I'm headed!"

Nubes Nubes

errrr... I don't know what to think about this one... just have seen the 1rst chapter and I kinda get the feeling that I'm not goin to enjoy it... but it's just the 1rst chapter, right? But I don't know if I'm goin to get dazzle with this shot...


3immortals 3immortals

Yet another quick fix, what first hooked me was the art style. Very pretty. Then there was the music - very cool. Your characters are sarcastic, and for the most part, can take care of themselves. It's fun, but expect an abrupt ending, and the occasional annoyance with Rahzel - she just can't help herself.

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