Heroic Age

Heroic Age Series

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Tagged under Hisashi Hirai, Xebec, Series.

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Dizzy-me's Heroic Age Tv Review

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Rated: 8

I think what made people interested in Heroic Age is its good storyline and "exaggerated" battle between the Hero Tribe.

The storytelling features its own unique and distinct approach, which made it different from other animes based on the similar " outer space ventures and mecha" theme.

At first, i thought the anime would've last for about at least 50+ episodes but it turn out to be only 26.

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Member Opinions

kawaii89 kawaii89

Ow...its been last week i finish watching this anime at youtube! It makes me crazy! (sorry for weak grammar) I try so hard for remember this anime when the first time i see the info about this anime in our lovely Manga in Malaysia (Arena Komik). Huhu..the story is so awesome. Age is the strong one!

riho88riho riho88riho

I've rewatched this series twice now, and I still can't help but loving it more each time. Although it isn't like normal gundams in many ways (which makes it kind of original) it still has the gundam-like feel to it (which I'm a fan of). For my birthday I made my mom get me the box-set xD haha.

I'd say that if you're not a big gundam fan, this actually might suit you if only because they don't focus that much on the gundams as they do the characters and the fight for survival.

Rufusek Rufusek

Forgot to do it earlier but, here goes, the princess Deiniera (why such hard name?) came to destroyed planet where strange boy lives, and he have also special power of the guys from heroic race. It is mecha nad space travell anime witch will keep you interested from begining till the end, it can pleasently shock you sometimes and the ending is awesome. Oh and this animation, opening and the every heroic race survivor makes it worth the time (but there are many well done characters).

Onikami Onikami

Overall I'll say it's a really good anime, the story is unique and the animation is pretty good. My only issue with it was the fact that there really wasn't a struggle at all, it was relatively easy going all the way through. The action was alright but I've seen better. It's definitely worth watching once or twice though. ^^

Astara Astara

This one is a rousing, non-stop anime that starts off hard driving in the first episode and ...well, falters a little around 2/3rd's through the 26 episodes, getting a bit drawn out -- maybe because it's so non-stop for so long, you get tired out. The ending was positive, but slightly less stirring than the beginning part -- so as a whole, the series wasn't orchestrated as well as it could have been. The sound track, BTW was/is quite good -- and was distributed on 2 volumes.

ealpha-scorpio ealpha-scorpio

I never though there would any mecha/sci. fic. anime that would interest be beyond Gundam SEED/Destiny. It seems that I Heroic Age did it in the end. I've watched the entire series twice, and I think I'll go another fee round as soon as I get the time. Of all things in this music, I love its music. It's beautiful.

CuteSherry CuteSherry

Yet another pretty unique plot story. But at some point things started to get plain...weird? But still interesting nonetheless, hey!, I mean I watched the whole thing! XD That said, the fact I do not have a clear memory of it shows it didn't have much impact on me...

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