
Hoshi no Koe - Wallpaper and Scan Gallery

Hoshi no Koe Series

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Tagged under Makoto Shinkai, CoMix Wave Films, Series.

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Shoujoboy's Hoshi no Koe Ova Review

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Rated: 4

Voices of a Distant Star is much like a famous painting that you just don't like. You can look at it and appreciate it's beauty and the work that went into it but you simply can't find yourself liking it despite that appreciation. When you read about it on paper and understand that Makoto Shinkai pretty much made this entire thing on his own, you can't help but want to shake the guy's hand. The English localization team credits is larger than the animation, seiyuu, director, producer and screenwriter of the original release combined. So as a solo work, it's nothing short of amazing.

But, it's not my job to tell you what you should appreciate. My job is to tell you whether you'll enjoy this and if I did. Fact is, it's simply not enjoyable.

Tagged under Hoshi no Koe | Warning: Undefined variable $comments in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 21 comments | Read More »

Member Opinions

Cirru Cirru

Hoshi no Koe (Voices of a Distant Star in the US)
This short movie is wonderful. There is so much communicated between the characters and audience with such little dialogue and action. More movies like this wouldn't be a bad thing. ^_^

Mayuuki Mayuuki

Hoshi no Koe is one of the most beautiful manga that I have read, and this adaptation was quite good. I loved the scenarios, but the character design disappointed me. The final is different too, and personally I prefer the manga ones.

Anyway, was good too see a great history animated. Recommended! :)

Daydreamer1 Daydreamer1

I wonder when will it Update itself, i like it...The story that is, the Appearance, well thats not my concern in the first pace.. I do appreciate the technology shown, like laser control etc. but even then the cell phones shown are those that even we dont use any more...although the CLASSIC peice of cell phones shown have there own charm, and was some what important for the sake of interest, but a couple of my friends did make fun of me when i appreciated that work.... Over all it was lovely, i am realy looking forword to new episodes (If coming that is lol)


I thought all in all it was a very good Anime OVA, though I do wish it had been perhaps twice as long, as I felt there was a lot more they could have done to build up the relationship between the characters.

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