James Potter Character
Tagged under Harry Potter, Husbando, Magic Users, Short Hair, Glasses.
Father of Harry Potter and husband of Lily Potter. While a student at Hogwarts, he mostly hangs out with Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. The four create the Marauder's Map, which shows not only
where everyone is, but also the secret passages of Hogwarts.
He despises Severus Snape and wastes no opportunity to pick on him, which translated to Snape picking on
Harry after he arrives at Hogwarts.
It is later revealed that James spent quite a significant amount of time
pursuing his future wife, Lily Evans, and trying to convince her to date
him. Sirius states that the two began dating in their 7th Year, after James had stopped showing off so much.
When Voldemort arrives at the Potters' house, James dies while
attempting to stall him to allow his wife to flee with Harry.
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