Kamisama Hajimemashita Wallpapers
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Member Opinions
This is one of the few shoujo series I liked. I especially loved nanami as she's nothing like those other clumsy
stereotypical heroines of shoujo.
The art and the story is great but the manga is a bit better than the anime.
I'll be watching season 2 soon.
Eventhough I prefer read Kamisama Hijmemashita in manga than watch it as anime :(
I don't satisfied with this anime ending, I mean, how short is Tomoe begins to love Nanami? I like to watch
something that take steps or process, not instantly :o
There is a lot of reasons why i recommend to watch this anime, first the drawing is so beautiful tomoe and nanami are well drawn and the music are good and the story is cool though it remindme alot about inuyasha it got the same era and powers, the story progress well but it need more than 12 ep to finish im talking about the 2nd season the 1st is good but it isnt complete, i thought they will finish it on the second season but it didnt, i wish there will be a third season of this awesome anime i really like it or specifically like Tomoe!^^ He is gorgeous! I liked his story in the past with Akura, i want to know what will happen later, i wont read the manga so i ll wait till next century for tha next season!!!
Never read the manga, but I decided I would give the anime a shot to see how I would like it. Tomoe and Nanami's interactions made the series funny. Tomoe was a bit mean and could be tough on Nanami in the beginning, but he does still look after her and care in his own way. It was nice to see him open up and them both grow to eventually like/care each other. The ending was cute.
Watching the second season.
i love this anime because the romance part of course but also the part in which nanami and tomoe fight and etc in the manga it was told later on that tomoe is going to hide in the mirror and for saving him nanami go to future to save her beloved but in this whole procedure nanami takes form of that lady whom tomoe loved before and she creates love for her in past even though both nanami and her ancestor girl are same i would like that tomoe would end up with the present nanami
A very good anime to watch which contains romance, comedy and sometimes a little action (very few).The another reason
why I love shoujo or otome anime is they doesn't stretch the story too much as compared to Shonen anime like DBZ
they stetch the battle seen very much and we are also hypnotized to see what is going next.
This anime contains a good balance of romance and comedy and I recommend all to watchit atleast one time because the
series is not so long only 13 episodes with a nice story and cute charactor design(Tomoe, Mizuki and nanami)
the opening and ending are also nice and fill with a good charming voice of the singer.
It's one of the best shoujo anime I've ever seen, I really enjoyed watching it. I really love the ending and opening music. The artwork is so-so, the animation is quite good, the story is simple, but the main characters are so likeable. Nanami is a very likeable female lead, unlike most of other shojo female characters. Although in my opinion the romantic development is rushed, it's still a great anime. I'm hoping for a second season of this series. >.<
Kamisama Hajimemashitais really amazing I watched the anime and the manga I think the manga is more interesting it shows us the power of Fate thats why I would be greathful if thy make a second season
I really love this!!!! x3 I think it's a perfect story because we can see a shoujo managa but with other elements
that make it to be awesome like humour and an interesting plot with all the yokais.
About the character, I really fell in love with Tomoe since the first moment *¬* and I really like Nanami!! I enjoy see
all her funny expresions xDDDDDD and how she never loses the hope in the future....I really think I feel more optimistic
after seeing her :) so.....now, I'm waiting for the next chapter *_____*
I totally love the manga & when i found out that it was going to be made into anime -even if only 13 ep- i squealed
& fangirled for weeks after. When it finally came out I was downloading each week enjoying the episodes to the
fullest -re-watching 24535666 times XD- & yeah even if the animation wasn´t the best & they changed to much of
the story for my liking i loved it! <3
Its just something about it when one of ur fav mangas turn anime. there moving! there talking! x3
Lovely anime with lovely characters. Tomoe and Nanami, the main characters, have great chemistry so you'll never get bored of seeing their interactions. If you are a fan of supernatural stuff, this anime is for you because it has many elements from Japanese folklore. The OP and ED were so-so, too "shoujo" for my taste.
Got me hooked up by the first episode.The art is very good and the story was short but made its point clear.It was very enjoyable and funny to watch.The start of the ending that theme song it just sounds soo good for a romantic atmosphere.
Interesting and funny! xD I don't think the main elements are quite original, but the humor gives to this series a nice twist. I kinda like Nanami, she's very cool ^_^ and Tomoe has this badass aura, but not as tsundere as Inuyasha (a very close referent, for that matter). Quite lovely story <3 (of course, it more cute and complex in the manga).
I liked the manga fairly the art's nice story's alright
but the anime..i have to say I quite dislike it D:
1. the art....is...the graphics are not doing the manga justice
2. the voice actors + narration are way too cheesy and just..no
3. my god that opening song is such a turn off u_u
I suggest reading the manga instead of watching the anime big time!!!
Hmm, I think the chronology of events in the manga is better than the anime's. Also, the series offers little deviation to the generic girl meets guy (and yes, we start to harbor feelings, etc) scenario but it will still give you light laughs at every corner. If I had to compare it to another recent-ish anime that I've watched, it would be to InuxBoku, where both servants (sorry for the lack of a better term) are outrageously loyal to their respective masters. (7 at most, but generally somewhere around 6.5 to 6.75)