Kara no Kyokai

Kara no Kyokai Series

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Tagged under Ufotable, TYPE-MOON, Light Novel, Series.

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Weskalia's Kara no Kyokai Tv Review

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Rated: 9

There you have it, folks, Type-Moon has done a fine job in creating a successful heptalogy. Kara no Kyoukai, generally speaking, is their greatest hit, far exceed others.

This is not your every day horror series, Kara no Kyoukai is simply spectacular, thrilling and it, at least, provides a satisfied ending. A must-watch, you don't want to cast this one off your collections. Indeed, the franchise has created a phenomenon that a sequel eventually been made (takes place ten years later with Shiki's daughter as the main lead) and Shiki has even made her way to Melty Blood.

It's a little sad that as series with a caliber like that have yet to be licensed is a mystery on par with any presented in the films themselves.

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Member Opinions

HurtHattori HurtHattori

Kara no Kyoukai is not your average gory anime with flying body parts and rivers of blood; in fact I wasn't expecting such depth and have been very impressed. The story is good, the animation is almost flawless, the soundtrack is awesome and one of my favorites parts was the work of Maaya Sakamoto, the seiyuu of Shiki. She plays the three Shikis in a way that you can distinguish each of them really easily when you listen carefully. A must watch!

kuchukuTulip kuchukuTulip

The anime lived upto the genres of Action, Mystery, Thriller, Romance and Supernatural, though i did think there are parts that give a psychological theme too. It was a very enjoyable anime and also very well made. The music was really good, just like they have in big Hollywood movies. When you start watching it, it might seem very confusing and the episodes(one to another) take big time leaps(back and forth) sometimes. But i think if you stick to it the mystery will be solved.


It's all about blood, killing, violence... It is good, but while watching every movie I got sick of how people could be sick xD
What is so amazing about these anime movies is the relaxing soundtracks, so good soundtrack, and Kalafina did great job on each song of the movie as expected... I loved it.

minayuri minayuri

Pretty good urban thriller series, I only wish they had formatted it as a TV series to follow the story chronologically, having the series run in a half-hour episode format, and given 24-26 episodes though. The fifth movie exceeded Evangelion in the mind-fuck department for sure, and the pacing felt rather weak for that episode. Shiki is a pretty interesting and multi-dimensional heroine and Mikiya is a good male protagonist, and I like his kind and mature personality. The two of them are a really good couple and I like the dynamic of their relationship. Maaya Sakamoto and Kenichi Suzumura did a fantastic job in this series and the roles they played are my favorites they have done. Overall, the animation is truly beautiful as expected from ufotable and alongside Fate/Zero, I love their excellent quality they have in their work. This is a very original series in terms of modern anime and I recommend it very much.


Being a fan of Type-Moon VNs, and hearing that, for once, they were actually doing a good adaptation, I was following these as they came out in Japan, and jumped on the US release, which is the most I've paid per disc in a long time. It was worth it. Incidentally, there was an error in one of the discs as originally printed, and I got a free replacement sent before I'd even caught it myself. Talk about service!
I wonder if the one with the error will become collectible . . .

AngeKrystaleen AngeKrystaleen

I think it's the TYPE-MOON serie I don't really like...

Complicated story, characters not interessting than Fate or Melty Blood's characters...

BUT ! A good end, compared to other ! It change ! xD

AnGeeChan AnGeeChan

The story is heavy and deep, pay close attention to the show if you dont want to get totally lost. Episodes are out of order, but I think its an interesting move of the creators. Graphic and animation are freaking awesome, music as well. Overall its a masterpiece for people, who want to see something really extraordinary.

ghost945 ghost945

Impressive. Breathtaking. Stunning. Quality of artworks spectacular. Seiyuu cast and performance solid and outstanding. Characters are with depth and developed throughout. Story tends to be a little "dark" but meaningful. Impressed by the way the story is unfolded. Music matches the tone and "dark" image of anime.

celestial-Ceres celestial-Ceres

Well I didn't like this Anime too much, there was only one episode that I really liked, the rest was kinda boring and confusing to me :/ Maybe it would have been a little better if the story would have been told chronological instead of the confusing way it was told...

mishia mishia

I enjoy the animation a lot. Something about the atmosphere makes it a bit psychologically heavy, and I'm still a fair bit confused about what the plot of the story is supposed to be and what exactly the rules are of the world it takes place in, but I like it overall.

Zettodono Zettodono

I think it is masterpiece. The plot begins to cast is not very usual. Each episode adds a piece of a large mosaic, which is revealed out of order. I very much like the characters, everything!
Excellent graphics and soundtrack.


At first, I didn't quite understand the main plotline of the movie. Especially since the earlier movies are not in chronological order. But I loved the awesome graphics of the animations, and Shiki totally kicks ass XD

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