Minimalism Theme
Tagged under Artistic Styles.
Minimalism refers to using as few elements as possible to depict a certain concept.
Oftentimes artists will rely
on colors and details on one piece of the artwork, while keeping the rest simple.
Minimalist creations often
(but not always) have single-color backgrounds.
Also see: Abstract, No Background.
Minimalism Wallpapers
Karneval Wallpaper by Alenas
Original Wallpaper by segnoj
Kurehito Misaki Wallpaper by Cilou
Kunie Kanbara Wallpaper by MissHatter
Onepunch-Man Wallpaper by twicefire
My Neighbor Totoro Wallpaper by xxKurumi
Another Wallpaper by Deto15
Death Note Wallpaper by Mifeulle30
Gintama Wallpaper by hayashinomura
Kantai Collection Wallpaper by Wakaura
Sword Art Online Wallpaper by Deto15
Original Wallpaper by gaara-no-shukaku
Soul Eater Wallpaper by FHsierra1078
Kuroshitsuji Wallpaper by haruhixsama
Clover Wallpaper by SamB
Bleach Wallpaper by Ebelin
Kingdom Hearts Wallpaper by ohdeargod
DURARARA!! Wallpaper by Lugh
Kuroshitsuji Wallpaper by popiahime
DURARARA!! Wallpaper by Lugh
Natsume Yuujinchou Wallpaper by Tannhauser
Green Glass Wallpaper by chubbykitty
AnoHana Wallpaper by Tannhauser