Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Series
Tagged under Yun Kouga, Sunrise (Studio), Series, Gundam.
The series is set in the years 2307-2308 AD of the Gregorian calendar. During this time, fossil fuels became exhausted
and the distribution of fuels became imbalanced. Humanity must rely on an array of solar power generation systems
orbiting the Earth, and supported by three orbital elevators, each one pertaining to one of the three "major powers" on
the planet.
The Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations, consisting of the Organization of American
States, Australasia and Japan, control the elevator located in South America. The Human Reform League, consisting of
China, Siberian Russia, India, the nations of South Asia (excluding the middle-Asian states of Iran, Afghanistan and
Pakistan), Mongolia, the member states of the ASEAN, Papua New Guinea, the Korean Peninsula, and Taiwan, control the
elevator located in the Pacific Ocean. The Advanced European Union (AEU), consisting of Iceland, the islands of the
Barents Sea, Greenland, Anatolia, European Russia and the entirety of the traditional continent of Europe, control an
elevator built in the middle of the African continent.
With this infinite source of energy benefiting
only the major powers and their allies, constant warfare erupts around the globe for fuels and energy. The nations that
rely on fuel have plunged into poverty. Many believed that solar energy threatened the "promised land of God". The chaos
lead to the formation of a private military organization, called Celestial Being, dedicated to eradicating war and
uniting humanity with the use of four humanoid machines called Gundams.
The series follows four mobile
suit pilots termed Gundam Meisters, sided with Celestial Being. The protagonist is 16-year old Setsuna F. Seiei, a quiet, taciturn young man who grew up in the Kurdish Republic, and a
Gundam Meister for two years. He pilots the GN-001 Gundam Exia, a high mobility mobile suit effective in melee
By: zegesbar79
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Wallpapers
Gundam Wallpaper by steelmanmanman
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Scans
Warning: Undefined array key "footer" in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 3Z827's Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Tv Review
Warning: Undefined variable $cover in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 7Rated:
This is a Review of Gundam 00 : Awakening of the Trailblazer
Generally speaking - I'm not amused.
Whilst the movie may had a memorable final scene as with any other Gundam movies , the general plot , the deviation from
the previous installments and the flimsy build-up really makes it a nasty slap in the face for those whom were
anticipating this film.
Whilst one may argue that it's a film made to broadcast the importance of understanding each other and what not ,
it is undeniably poorly executed with zero immersion compared to the previous installments.
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Member Opinions
It's disappointing when looking at this series as a whole as the first season was fantastic, but the second season and the movie turn out to be disappointing let-downs. The only good things I can say about the second season is that my favorite ship Allelujah and Soma were made an official couple and the character development showcased by Feldt. For the most part I felt the second season went into far too much character and story derailment that it severely lacked what made the first season so memorable. The movie is just a nonsensical mess and overall was a terrible closure to the series, the only thing I liked was that Saji and Louise's relationship was getting back on the right track after all the melodrama that happened back in the second season between them.
"Mobile Suit Gundam 00" without doubt is one of the best animes the human being created!
With it's awesome story line,the unique characters,the emotions that anime made me feel,The Fights,The development
of characters,the way it represents Humanity and how awful the war is,..the Art (i actually find this Version has the
best Art/Graphics of any Gundam),I'v also liked the fact they did add an Arabic characters (or such), the
So, yeah....this anime is truly highly recommended for all of you!!.
This Anime is one of the best anime I ever seen. Because it represent part of our life, such as love, fight and
friendship. SO this anime is sounds like your life.
About the graphics, there are so much elements bonds perfectly with the story.
I don't know what I want to say again...
Awesome Anime
not to good with complicated plot...but still the battle was good...but the second season turn out to be more complicated than i imagine...I already predict the difficultyto wat\ch this but I can't even imagine it turn out to be so difficult...well...at least Setsuna was handsome and the battle still using the same battle style in gundam seed with some improvement on the battle effect...so partially, not too bad but not too good
This was my first gundam anime that I have watched all the way through and I was not disappointed. I had wanted to watch a gundam series but didn’t know where to start and this show was recommended to me by my friends. It was mainly recommended for the action and how badass the lead character, Setsuna, was. After completion, I did enjoy the story along with the plot twists but was not even slightly convinced that Setsuna was as cool as my friends said he was. Some of his lines where a little corny and he could have been a little more gruesome in some of his actions. Plot wise, season one was by far way better than season two in terms of story and the characters involved (a particular character, Saji, pissed me off way more in season two than he should have). In all though, solid gundam series and next in this genre is Gundam Seed which eventually I’ll get around to.
Louise bossing around Seiji constantly and self-proclaiming he is her boyfriend is annoying. She acts like a self-centered and spoiled girl. Christina Sierra is part of the support crew, but is incredibly scared of being in battle (maybe she was deluded in thinking they wouldn't be directly involved at any point). The large bust sizes of a lot of the female characters is also very disappointing. Lichtendahl Tsery missing a vital sensor alarm constantly going off while he sits in the main cockpit/command deck of the ship just seemed too stupid of a mistake.
Just too many annoying side characters/events to watch this all the way through (stopped at Ep. 10, Season 1). Nice development and take on the gundams though.
The stories are complicated n great. The conflicts inside n outside are good, too. The artwork is well done. The meccha looks cool. The battle scenes also cool. My favorite is Setsuna (or Shoran Ibrahim) the cool teen, and Lockon the easy-going man. Marina Ismail, the female princess character is also didnt annoying like mostly typical-princess on other anime. She tried hard to bring peace on her country.
Ore wa Gundam da!! My favorite quote from Setsuna X3
That quote also inspiring me in making "Technova" wallpaper. Overall, this gundam series has different story
than other series. What was make this series unique is the main character (hero) are a mid-east person (Kurdish).
Although it full of political conspiracy inside, but it has a good message: war just gives nothing to us. But war is
also the way to stop war itself. It's my conclusion after watching first season. Now, begin to watching the second
season... :3
So, I realize there are enough plot holes for a mother ship to fit in rather snugly, but having enjoyed the series so
much, I don't really care. And, unlike the previous Gundam outing, this time around even the annoying characters do
have a real function within the story that consists of something more than screeching at the screen in the most grating
ways possible, while randomly piloting some additional action figure franchise...
Gundam 00 has successfully restored my faith in the series, & I think perhaps a good number of the series fans agree
with me on this one..
in my opinion i feel that Gundam 00 is a very close second to the original series Gundam UC. The story is very different from most gundam series, and with this change came a great show that was very enjoyable.
Personally I think this series is waaaaaaaay better than Seed. The story is better, the art is more beautiful, the
characters are more lovable and the whole thing just makes more sense.
Like the setting and the universe of the story. It resembles our current world a lot and that makes it easier for
audience to relate to the characters.
All characters have depth, and their backgrounds are all explained clearly. They all have different reasons to fight and
things to fight for, and that makes me respect them a great deal. Among them all, Setsuna F. Seiei and Tieria Erde are
my favourites. Apart from their badass-ness, they are the two characters that have undergone the most changes. Also, I
find it both bold and admirable to make a boy of Middle-east descent the protagonist.
Love the message of the series: Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.
The action sequences are awesome. The characters look attractive. The music is good (nearly cried when listening to the
one sung by the children). And to top it off, the cast is perfect (though I wanted to laugh every time I heard Kati
Mannequin spoke in Conan's voice XD).
Marks deducted for some uncomfortably preachy moments and the slightly unsatisfying romance.
After watching it, I feel that there are still some unanswered questions regarding Celestial Being or Aeolia's true motives in building them. If they could only provide a back story regarding Aeolia and the Jupiter Project, then that would be helpful in understanding some issues in the series. Still, the anime was worth watching. :)
I watched this series many years ago and I remember I enjoyed it a lot! The Gundams are really advanced and futuristic. I can't really remember much about the series but I can say it's really good anime. :D
This story is a very realistic one, despite the futuristic setting. If you can adjust your mind to a world 296 years
into the future, then you'll relate well in time.
Of course the fantastic Gundam are present but the beauty of what people fight over is something the Gundam represents.
This series was very interesting, despite the fact that some of the main characters took some warming up to. All of the secondary characters and their interweaving stories made this addicting, but if you're looking for more of a mecha fighting show this isn't that special. Also, the second season and its liberal messages were a bit too much for me. Still fun though!