Noizi Ito Mangaka
Tagged under Mangaka & Studios.
Ito is well known as the character designer and artist for Shakugan no
Shana and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya,
both of which spawned light novels, and manga and anime series.
Ito has worked on three adult game
projects for UNiSONSHIFT: Nanatsuiro Drops (2006), the Alice in
Wonderland-themed Alice Parade (2007), and Flyable Heart (2009). She has contributed with character designs for other adult games as
well, such as Peace@Pieces and Forget Me Not.
Outside of UNiSONSHIFT,
she contributed illustrations for Flight-Plan's DS game Shining
Force Feather.
Noizi Ito Wallpapers
Shakugan no Shana Wallpaper by Longbow
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Wallpaper by Dobato-chan
Shakugan no Shana Wallpaper by ArtificialRaindrop
Another Wallpaper by KiyanaIkebana
Haruhi Suzumiya Wallpaper by HIGHGOOD525
Shakugan no Shana Wallpaper by GodFatherGFA
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Wallpaper by Caramela
Shakugan no Shana Wallpaper by nxia
Shakugan no Shana Wallpaper by GodFatherGFA
Final Fantasy XIII Wallpaper by PaoPorsche
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Wallpaper by Kalrathia
Nanatsuiro Drops Wallpaper by KiyanaIkebana
Neon Genesis Evangelion Wallpaper by AssasinXXX
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Wallpaper by Faye-chan91
Flyable Heart Wallpaper by Lady89
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Wallpaper by babydensity
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Wallpaper by aplastictree