Nurse Witch Komugi Series, OVA
Tagged under Akio Watanabe, Series.
Spinoff of The Soul Taker and Nurse Witch Komugi-chan R.
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Warning: Undefined array key "footer" in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 3Deedles' Nurse Witch Komugi Tv Review
Warning: Undefined variable $cover in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 7Rated:
This is certainly a very very funny and charming series. NWK is very much like "Excel Saga" in that it
parodies a lot of other animes including some of the previous work that the same animation studio has done. It is nice
to see that the studio can poke fun at their past work! Although it is in the same vein as Excel with its quirky humor,
bi-polar heroine and silly sense of humor,, it is still really original. There are a lot of hidden things to watch for,
some obvious and some are more obscure. It has a high re-watchability and I always seem to catch something new every
time I watch it.
There are a lot of jokes about Komugi's flat chest and about MugiMaru being a pervert (since he always seem to be
in the bathroom when Komugi is taking a bath), but its all done tastefully.
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