Personification Theme
Tagged under Artistic Styles.
Personification is a stylistic technique in which a person or creature is used to represent an abstract quality or idea.
It is also used as a figure of speech in which inanimate objects or abstractions are given human qualities or are
represented as possessing human form. Examples:
- "The leaves danced across the sidewalk."
- "The cold
winter air sat on the porch."
In this category we can also include animals or objects pictured as humans,
with certain animal characteristics/behaviors (not to be confused with Kemonomimi). For example: the four seasons
represented as humans, a rose taking human form, a bee represented as a human.
Also see: Coming to Life, Furries, Surrealism.
Personification Wallpapers
Crossovers Wallpaper by Wakaura
Crossovers Wallpaper by Wakaura
Green Glass Wallpaper by Alenas
Crossovers Wallpaper by Wakaura
Monoberry Wallpaper by clarings
Working!! Wallpaper by Tannhauser
Original Wallpaper by DarthTofu
Original Wallpaper by IzumiChan
Original Wallpaper by oluha