Saiyuki Series, OVA
Tagged under Kazuya Minekura, Studio Pierrot, Platinum Vision, Light Novel, Series, Drama CD.
Tougenkyou once where humans and youkai coexisted, this balance is disturbed by the practice of forbidden science and
magic that has created a Minus Wave, poisoning the souls of youkai. The Sanbutsushin become aware of the situation and
call out the highest of priests, Genjyo Sanzo, to stop the Minus Wave and
the resurrection of Gyumaoh. The Sanbutsushin tell Sanzo to travel West with three youkai who weren't affected by the
Wave: Son Goku, a heretic who has no recollections of his
past or who he was; Sha Gojyo, a hanyou who was abused by his youkai
stepmother; Cho Hakkai, a former human whom is said have killed a
thousands youkai; and Hakuryuu , Hakkai's
Jeep-transforming dragon.
Along the way the four encounters invincible foes and assassins, while being
haunted by the remnants of their dark past.
How will they overcome those obstacles?
What fate awaits at
the end of their journey?
Synopsis: Hakaru and flamedanceraxel.
Saiyuki Wallpapers
Saiyuki Scans
Warning: Undefined array key "footer" in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 3Saiyukifan's Saiyuki Tv Review
Warning: Undefined variable $cover in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 7Rated:
Humor!!! It has plenty of humor! Originality? Puh-lease! It is so original that it wants to make you jump and shout the whole day! It is original, why? Because it has humor, action and drama all in one show! Mostly humor and action but the drama follows. Either the drama is the character's past, present or emotions. The humor? It is when Goku and Gojyo fight, when Sanzo doesn't understand a joke, when Hakkai makes a joke that isn't really funny... It makes you think that they are real people only drawn to be watched. Their personalities are really human, except for that "fighting the demons" stuff. Action has the most scenes, I think. Because they have to have this journey, remember? And in every journey, there is danger in it's path.Everything is perfect. It is really original.
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Member Opinions
I love this series and it was truly a wonderful take on the Journey to the West series. ADV's dub was really amazing and the VA's delivered great performances. For the Reload and Gunlock series I watched them in the original Japanese dub. I don't think they cast the right VA's for the characters in Bang Zoom's dub of both series, I believe Lex Lang would've suited Gojyo better than Sanzo and Crispin Freeman for Sanzo. Other VA's among Bang Zoom's VA troupe that would've been better choices; Liam O' Brien for Kougaiji, Steven Blum for Dokugakuji, Melissa Fahn for Lirin, and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn for Kanzeon Bosatsu. The first Saiyuki series was a blast with its' two action packed seasons, with my favorite being the Homura arc, he's so sexy just like Sanzo and Gojyo are. The Hazel Grouse arc in Gunlock is much better than the Kami-sama arc in Reload. I'm glad the main seiyuu reprised their roles for the 2017 anime. Sharak Sanzo is truly amazing and I like her character, she's a total badass and also I enjoyed the cameo of Zakuro in one episode. It would've been nice to see Ni Jianyi show up in Blast and I do think the series would've benefited having a 2 cour run.
Well I've seen all of the ADVFilms version ot seen the OVA Buriversion.
The show was fuy as hell.
I love the manga but the OVA is awsome!
Im still reading the manga right now.
I even own the manga & a few Salty Dawg artbooks.
I enjoyed this as a retelling of Journey to the West, but ended up giving up on the fact that, in the end, it basically stopped going anywhere. As such, I only have the first series and the movie, and feel no pressing desire to acquire the rest.
This show was both interesting and amusing, except that you get through 52 episodes and realize that they haven't solved what they set out to accomplish, and that they won't in the next 52 episode season either. I also could have done without all the language, smoking, drinking, and occasional sexual references. Still, it was fun and you have to love Kogaiji. I <3 Vic Mignogna as awesome demon prince!
I love the art and the story line. I was already familiar with the story "Journey to the West" from all the old chinese shows i've watched. This was even better than that. <3 <3 <3 the characters are also HOT!! I love them!
very innovative. having a monk who not even smoke, but also play majong and uses a gun as weapon. this is fantastic! afterall, saiyuki is an imaginery novel. put it into today's context, it'll only make it ever more popular. other characters are also very creative and all come with their distintive personality. characters were shown their depth and developed throughout even for the enemies. love this anime.
Another quite nice anime adaptation of the Chinese epic "Journey to the West". I like what I've seen until now, even though it could be supposedly oriented at girls (mainly due to the Bishonen-like characters and stuff)
This was the first anime I've watched and that got me hooked on everything to do with Japan. I love how the group grew as the story progresses and all the more because even after 500 years, they're still the best of friends, they are a band of brothers.
This series has it all! Fun, action, drama and... oh... actually not much romance XD. Even if it has lot of weird
episodes, you cant get bored XD. A must-watch! Definitely. Same with it sequels.
Fave Character: Genjo Sanzo
The manga is much better. The anime holds too many fillers and the plot is jumpy, if you can even consider there being one. You're better off reading the manga and about, 15-20 episodes of the first main series to get the extra 'Homura' arc not available in the manga.
saiyuki is such a kick-ass manga and its anime counterpart is also a kick-ass
filled with 4 traveling anti-heroes as main characters (who always end up almost killing each other, except for Hakkai) but you'll find them lovable and interesting
the anime series is mostly filled with fillers (due to the few events in the manga and its slow progression) but these are worth watching and i think the manga is already in the final installment (reload blast) of the saiyuki phenomenon so there are lots of events to watch for
This anime has it all! Action, Comedy,Drama... I own the complete Season of Saiyuki and hope to add Reload to my colection one day. I've seen every episode and read all the Saiyuki Reload mangas. I have downloaded an episode once, but I'd rather just watch it one the internet.
It's been a long time since I've been this excited over a manga. The anime feels a little rushed, though, only skimming over my favorite parts instead of allowing the proper time needed to be drawn into the story, but it's worth it nonetheless.
my first anime!!!!
i love it!!
the heroes are incredibly funny, witty and not forgetting, strong.
even though they encounter youkai, likes in every eps, but they somehow manage to make it more interesting than just a
plus,no matter how hungry goku can be or how goyjo can be so full of himself or how calm hakkai can be and sanzo
practically smokes like there's no 2moro...dis story definitely guaranteed to give you lots of emotion!