Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Series

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Tagged under Kouji Kumeta, Shaft (Studio), Series.

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Adith04's Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Tv Review

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Rated: 9

An anime based on Japanese culture is always interesting to me. Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei presents criticism and sarcasm to modern Japanese customs in an ironic and somewhat hilarious way..

Tagged under Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei | Warning: Undefined variable $comments in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 21 comments | Read More »

Member Opinions

Daydreamer1 Daydreamer1

The most unique, hilarious anime i have ever seen. Well... i think our teacher of DESPAIR was doing a better job then the normal one. Although he was receiving some aid from MISS POSITIVE. Over all cool, sticky anime. Presentation was quite cheap, but i think it was perfect for the anime plot.
AWESOME guys i want another season for this anime. I recommend this anime to those who are feeling down or just got some bad luck. you will feel pumped up really soon. But can have an opposite effect if too negative personality.


I love anime experimentation and this is an anime just for me, love it, so absurd so ridiculous, to keep strong positions over everything (pessimism or optimism as example) this anime is delitious as a visual art festin, love it, masterpiece by shimbo (which has come to be one of my favorite directors)

Glukogen Glukogen

Well, it's very unusual (for me) anime - among others, that I saw, I would characterize it as "art house" or "surreal." There are a lot of banter and parody of other genres, and character traits of the characters are sharp and exaggerated. I did not find storyline in this anime (it was there?) - So if some person become crazy (died, flew into space, became a giant, married, etc.) already in the next episode everything will return to normal . This anime - comic sketches set on living in Japan, and even society as a whole.
True I began to understand humor only about the third season (or the humor has become easier, or my brain rebuilt) - those who live in Japan, probably easier to understand it
And yet, in the anime soundtracks just mad, but such sticky))

ghost945 ghost945

satire theme. author criticised just about anything in life. he raised many questions and doubts about this world through the use of his characters, namely the students. one of its kind in anime universe. but it felt pretty heavy after watching. it sits more on a negative side of the wall, raising doubts and questions but giving no direction to answers.

kuryuki kuryuki

love love love thisssssssssssssssss *u* ~~!
It's a comedy series

but It kind of have a storyline, not really but gives that feeling to me

I love the simplistic art style too and the characters are really interesting too
Definitely worth your time.

fireflywishes fireflywishes

All kinds of cracktastic fun. Do not put much thought into the show as you watch or you won't enjoy it as much. I am reading the manga for this series as well and it's one of those times I wish I was able to read Japanese with the same level of comprehension as English. There are apparently so many puns and culture references that fly right over my head when I read...

mishia mishia

Usually I tend to like SHAFT's works, but surprisingly Sayonara Zetsubou didn't every really capture my attention throughout the first episode. Perhaps if I watched another episode I would change my mind but I just can't get myself interested.

GunsxShurikens GunsxShurikens

This anime is filled with informations and lessons on how to become a better human (lol). Although it contains a bit ecchi, but it's a nice anime too.
Recommended to those who love learning and humorous type anime.

Suiseiseki22101995 Suiseiseki22101995

THIS FUCKING ANIME MAKES ME LAUGH A LOT! LOL it's so hilarous i think "what the hell was thinking Koji when he did it" i read even the things that are written in the slate, that things are so bizarre xD!

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