Serial Experiments Lain

Serial Experiments Lain Series

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Tagged under Yoshitoshi Abe, Series.

Lain seems like your typical schoolgirl, but she is anything but that. One day one of her classmates, Chisa Yomoda, commits suicide. All of Lain's classmates say that they got a phony email from her, and Lain decides to check it out. The email says that Chisa is not really gone, but has merely left her body and left for the Wired, a place which is similar to the internet. "I am gone in body but not in mind" she writes.
Lain does not believe that the email is a prank, so she decides to investigate. Soon she is not sure of what is real and what isn't, so with the help of a special Psycho chip mysteriously found in her locker, Lain decides to take action as more and more people are leaving their bodies for the Wired.

Synopsis by: Daos

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Kikaruu's Serial Experiments Lain Tv Review

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Rated: 9

There are also homages to various real-life companies, such as BeOS, Apple, Palm, and Copland, among others. These touches solidify it's technological base, even if by today's standards, they're a bit dated. (For example, Lain's original Navi was a version of the Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh.) It's not product placement per se, but the influences and shout-outs are there, and it adds to the series, rather than detracts from it.

Audibly, it's informative. Oh, it's informative, and this can detract a bit. There's even an entire Layer (episode) devoted to background research, from the Memex to IPv6.

Tagged under Serial Experiments Lain | Warning: Undefined variable $comments in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 21 comments | Read More »

Member Opinions


Its a really hard to understad anime but the pcycho is really good! I really like LAIN! Wired...Close the world Open the next!
It makes you think alot about your existence and i loved that! Its a GREAT Cyberpunk! A good Psychological thrillerand Science fiction :)
Serial Experiments Lain describes "the Wired" as the sum of human communication networks, created with the telegraph and telephone services, and expanded with the Internet and subsequent networks. The anime assumes that the Wired could be linked to a system that enables unconscious communication between people and machines without physical interface. The storyline introduces such a system with the Schumann resonance, a property of the Earth's magnetic field that theoretically allows for unhindered long distance communications. If such a link was created, the network would become equivalent to Reality as the general consensus of all perceptions and knowledge. The thin line between what is real and what is possible would then begin to blur.
Lain is just a curiose but a lil´creepy 14 year old who uncovers her true nature through the series. She is first depicted as a shy junior high school student with few friends or interests. She later grows multiple, bolder personalities, both in the physical and Wired worlds. I LIKED THAT :)

evelluchia evelluchia

i found this series wasent the best though it did have a good consept it did not present its self as a very good series it shoed eather the fact of low budget or little effort when it came to shadowing as well as the disign of everything

ghost945 ghost945

innovative. having an non "realistic" character in the anime universe made this anime rather realistic. our main is an AI surviving on information on the net. this concept is very advanced back at that time. however, apart from this theme, not sure what the underlying message was or was there one at all?

Emeraldas Emeraldas

I can't say anything about this that the other watchers haven't already, or that can't be found looking online for more in depth information about the series. It's just amazing in depth, as well as the amount of information you have to know beforehand to get much sense out of it. A rare treat with great animation.
I recently picked up Yoshitoshi ABe Lain Illustrations: Ab# Rebuild an Omnipresence in Wired English Limited Edition, the only reason I haven't contributed it here is lack of quality scanner.


Rewatched twice fully, plus a few random episodes by now. Still not sure what exactly happened in some places, so I'll rewatch it again~
Very interesting show, although I'd hesitate to recommend it to anyone who wants strong characterisation and a throroughly explained plot. It's the questions, and not the answers, that are the object of interest in SEL. Maybe if I answer them all, I'll lose interest.

Jheiracks Jheiracks

I think that this was the series that started my semi-obsession with anime. ^_^ No joke. It was visually stimulating, the storyline was a bit slow, but it worked for the story itself. The character development was amazing. I had a great time watching!

kikaruu kikaruu

This is probably the series that got me hooked on anime. Good pacing, informative dialogue, and the use of visuals to tell a story are all aspects that I consider important for any show. However, I feel that Lain does it especially well within its 13 episodes. Some of the best scenes are the ones when almost nothing happens (when Iwakura Mika goes insane and mutters modem noises, for instance). These advance the series in a way that really gets your lights blinking, without too much to distract you.

Serial Experiments: Lain is a cyberpunk story that stars a young girl who is making sense of her world. Sounds familiar, right? To a point. By the end of the first episodes, all similarity ends. While the series opens with a suicide, that suicide sets the plot going. You see how Lain becomes more and more wrapped up in the Wired (the Internet, woven through life) and how she becomes more and more in tune with it.

And like most cyberpunk series, the themes are there. The hacker hero, an underground culture, the question of what measure is a human, a Worldwide Internet, the virtualization of the mind... A lot of cyberpunk motifs are present, and create an exciting little series.

As the series progresses, we see how her personality evolves from a timid, shy little girl to a confident, concerned little girl. At the beginning, she has no friends. She's like all of us when we started out -- a child. But little by little, her shell expands, and melts, and she starts building connections. In public, she starts hanging out with friends and becomes more personable. In private, she's expanding her computer and becoming more straightforward. When she speaks with others about various topics, we see the dark side of her. And when she speaks with her friends, we see the light side. And then later on, there are the other sides of Lain, and they have their own ideas... It doesn't become a kudzu plot, but it's clear that there's more to Lain than a girl on the net (oh my!) and a few ideas. There's a definite backbone, and it strengthens the whole series.

Visually, some may not like it. Very minimalist, animation that isn't so fluid (definitely not at Haruhi level), and very relaxed. However, these are the things that I like the most about it. It proves that you don't need the flashy elements, brash attitude, and action-packed episodes to tell a good story and keep your interest hooked. Even after the series ended, I thought of the concepts and realities it explored, and kept them close. Any good series should stay with you like that (for example, NGE).

There are also homages to various real-life companies, such as BeOS, Apple, Palm, and Copland, among others. These touches solidify it's technological base, even if by today's standards, they're a bit dated. (For example, Lain's original Navi was a version of the Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh.) It's not product placement per se, but the influences and shout-outs are there, and it adds to the series, rather than detracts from it.

And audibly, it's informative. Oh, it's informative. There's even an entire Layer (episode) devoted to background research, from the Memex to IPv6. Lain not only shows that the designers have done their work, but it also lets you know that their is a meaning, process, and explanation behind everything we interact with, even if we don't realize it.

And that realization is what makes me love Lain. It was the series that kept me interested in computer networking, and a lot of my current feelings can be traced back to it. You may think it silly to let a work of fiction have that much power of my life, but it's not entirely fiction. And it's not silly by any stretch.

razor1997 razor1997

I haven't seen many of its episodes, since most of my brother's VCDs were gone. I heard it's a pretty interesting anime. But... I was surprised to see Lain's similarities to a RPG character I ever seen back in 2003...

Onikami Onikami

Overall I think I was a bit disappointed. My friends were flailing around talking about how good it is but after watching it I must say I just wasn't impressed. The storyline is original and has a lot of potential & I liked the art style. I just feel as if it was missing a lot of "something." I don't know what it was missing, but the series just felt lacking. Once it was over I couldn't help but feel disappointed. I guess you can say it was "o.k."

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