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Shakugan no Shana

Shakugan no Shana Series, OVA

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Tagged under Noizi Ito, J.C. Staff, Light Novel, Series.

Yuji Sakai is suddenly plunged into an alternate reality where he sees human souls being consumed by monsters.
Just as he is attacked, the katana-wielding Shana intervenes and destroys the monsters known as 'Denizens of the Crimson Realm'. Identifying herself as a 'Flame Haze', an enforcer of balance in the spirit realm, Shana reveals Yuji is a 'Mystes', a special soul that holds a powerful treasure sought by the monsters to throw the spirit world off balance. From that moment on, Shana vows to protect Yuji as his guardian and becomes his companion at school.

Summary by princessmeyrin023

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Ikebana's Shakugan no Shana Tv Review

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Rated: 8

In the end I did enjoy Shakugan no Shana. However, I cannot shake from my mind the possibility of what it could have become had its darker moments been fleshed out more. The early episodes are of a magnificently dark caliber, but things get more light hearted as time wears on, only to be remedied somewhat in the end (even though I sympathized with Hecate more than Sakai). Yet my point is, this show COULD have been better. Although, by saying that, I am not implying that the existing product is by any means a bad show. In fact, I think Shana in its current state is a great hybrid of comedy and seriousness. My complaints are only a product of my stubborn love of melancholy (which can occasionally overrule reason).

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Member Opinions

MisaSasekage MisaSasekage

I love this show, Shana is my favorite!! I really like the couple of Shana and Yuji. I am totally excited to see the third season. I was blown away with how spectacular everything looked. That however, was not the best part of the episode. That right probably belongs to the big “WTF” moment that appeared less than two minutes in. A completely different looking Yuuji, fused together with one of the strongest Lords of Guze, is not at all what I expected. After that rather climatic ending during season two, I’m a little bummed with how things actually turned out. Not only has Yuuji still not picked neither Shana nor Kazumi, but I felt a little robbed when it was revealed that Yuuji had somehow disappeared. I surprised to say the least when I realized Yuuji merged with that certain Lord of Guze and gave his identity, that's why his existence disappeared. Even though I knew that Yuuji wasn’t gone, it still bothered me as I watched a world without Yuuji continue to move forward. I still have trouble grasping the concept that Yuuji openly attacked Shana with a smile on his face so I can't wait to see what he actually plans to do. His plan was a good one but I think he went about it the wrong/uneccessarily complicated way. I was surprised to see his classmate from episode 1 brought back.


Nice series.
You really have to pay attention in the first two Seasons so the third final season makes sense to you.
There's little pantyshots here and there mostly from Shana but you have to pay close attention to see them just like Sailor Moon.

music-lover music-lover

Enjoyed seeing an independent female protagonist fighting the villains. I appreciated the main focal point on the action and not letting the small bit of romance in the story overpowering the plot. Overall, I liked the two seasons that I watched.

JackoSlacko JackoSlacko

I have to say, didn't see this development coming in this last season

I don't like it but they are doing a great job of pulling it off

was really hoping to see the main character become really strong the normal way

Daydreamer1 Daydreamer1

Quite strange feeling arises when going through the plot. The story line and voice acting are very strong. Presentation is also cool. But there is this feeling that.... even while fighting a DISASTER, our Heroes and Heroines are enjoying and partying too. But yes, over all a cool anime.

The story goes as there is a parallel world other then earth, which was inhabited by creatures called Guze-No-Tomogara, now these creatures have invaded earth and they feed on the power of EXISTENCE or PRESENCE. When the EXISTENCE of a human is fully eaten by a Tomogara, the man/woman lost its presence. In other words, not just that they disappear, but no one remembers them either.

But some Guze-no-tomogara think otherwise, they created pacts with some humans, granting them eternity and making them powerful enough to kill the invaders. These are called FlameHaze.

jakuro jakuro

I couldn't finish this series. It wasn't that it was not interesting, I just couldn't get a grasp on the characters. Felt like this series was only for looks and thigh-highs. The only character I liked was a villain from about 15 episodes in. The plot was alright, put it just wasn't popping for me.

sakurarukia0506 sakurarukia0506

I am totally in love with Shana the 1st time I saw her,woahh,over cute rate already!!!!!!! Every thing about her is awesome,the sword,the power she has,she herself. Season 2 is better than season 1 in my opinion,just that season 1 has some weird parts and I don't feel happy watching it.I really wonder about whether it has season 3 or not.SnS S is very fun too,I like Shana's dress in the 1st episode-Resuffle.
But after all,it is a good anime for me

keyblade32 keyblade32

I like this Anime but I really just don't get about this Anime is it's story because it's really to much complicated for me to understand but the characters where really good and the detail and colors are really good specially the effects of the flames of the flame heist. Overall it's not that bad, it's not that good...

Aiira Aiira

I thought this anime was like 'Kurokami' if it was the same. I don't quite remember, the difference is the sword xD While 'Kurokami' uses hand to hand combat. Shakugan no Shana uses a sword. Yes! a sword like an old samurai anime.

ghost945 ghost945

innovative but ending ... is that the ending? it began strongly with a purpose and a theme. we saw the characters grow up and shared some of their past and dilemma but we didn't see a complete end at the end. the characters how they came about and their purpose of existence were not addressed. felt a bit frustrating. ovas gave us insight into the lighter side of characters about their school life.

sammyui sammyui

hm . nice character, story and plot. But, the love story thing is just a little bit dry. because Shana is the only one that is madly in love, but the guy, hm .. It's seems hard to comprehend in this side. But anyways, I like it ! :))


Shakugan no Shana is awesome. :) But still, it's not on my favorites list. The animations are exceptional, though sometimes, they may appear dull. The story is utterly unique-- and when not properly watched, it is quite hard to grasp. I like Shana-- a unique personality for the female protagonist but... I don't like Yuuji! Well, I guess that's the mere reason why I don't like this series that much-- no bishounens!

t1myah t1myah

Good Series. Nice action sequences are enjoyable to watch. namely the cute Shana with all her fiery asskicking-ness. Season 2 runs at a much slower pace than the first giving way to deeper character development (especially with the supporting cast) and the relationships between them. which may or may not be a bad thing depending on your own preference. (i myself still quite enjoyed it)

para5ite para5ite

Really good anime and i can watch it millions of times and never bore to it!
And now the third season started to roll...it's awesome and feels good to listen to rie kugimyas voice in her rightfull role

LonelyAmure LonelyAmure

You might remember this one. It's awesome. Just 1 word. That is it! Noizi Ito, the one that drew your fantasies of Flyable Heart and girls getting blushed up in the front, and the rear, before that, he's done illustrations for this. So you know it's good when you know it has his name on it, and another person's name on it who I forgot it was. Anyway, yes artwork's good, in both manga and anime. Both Manga and Anime are around the same, so I'll say.
ART is EXCELLENTE. If I were to just promote any sort of active something something whatever, I would choose Shakugan No Shana. Comon now, the headers for Minitokyo are Shakugan No Shana. Beat that, you moniker monkies. This anime and manga is awesome. The fights are great, the characters are awesome (and when have you ever met such a group of unique characters with different moves?!), the storytelling is awesome, you know, you can't go wrong with this series. Going wrong with this is like saying you hate hot, sexy, voluptuous, long-haired katana wielding, magical, tsuntsunderedere awesome girls. Which happens to fit the term of the female main character. Shana. And her little lover boy who's the cool guy who will do anything to save Shana even though he is a puny little match called a flame and he is in love with his Flame Haze, Yuji. Hehe. You've also got this over-motherly maid, some other flames who carry the same power, some other crazy flame hazer who likes to feed herself alcohol and listen to a book filled with stupid mindblowing readings, Alastor, and you know, just some other good stuff. It's very touching to see this anime and manga and light novel because, well... it's just awesome *repeats himself* awesome awesome awesome awesome okigiveupnowcanihaveacookie?
Oh yes, and the OP is just mindblowing. Out of all the OP's I ever watched I fell in love with the OP for Shakugan No Shana. It's Hishoku No Sora - Kawada Mami. GO! GO SEARCH IT RIGHT NOW! It's an AWESOME SONG! You can't miss it, or you will die and have no friends and nobody will miss you. Not really. I was just messing with you, I'm sorry for upsetting you, you want a hug? Well watch it first ^_^'
Shakugan No Shana receives a 10/10. You know you love yourself when you love Anime that is just plain awesome. This one in particular. *points*

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