Strike Witches Series
Tagged under Anime International Company, Gonzo, David Production, Series, World Witches, Light Novel.
Related: Brave Witches
Strike Witches Scans
Hachiko's Strike Witches Tv Review
Warning: Undefined variable $cover in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 7Rated:
In conclusion, Strike Witches is a show that may interest those who are sticklers for heavy fan service, as well as the curious watchers who want a different take on the saga that is World War II. Tune out the Holocaust, and forget about the significance of D-Day, or the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima. Those things NEVER happened. What really took place during those turbulent early 1940's was a clash between those 11 wonderful young Strike Witches and the Neuroi.
But if you are all about seeing a good storyline that will make you want to crave the next episode, and the next, and the next...I probably would not recommend this show to you, and advise that you proceed with caution.
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Member Opinions
I've actually been meaning to watch this for awhile. After completing Vividred Operation I knew I had to go back and watch the series that started the bottomless movement. As a sucker for moe animes, I enjoyed it more than I should have but the story was adorable, although predictable, and the action was above average. On a side note, since this anime is pretty much fan service, I had to find and watch the uncensored version mainly because I cannot stand censorship and its blatant obviousness. In the end, I found it worth it and I would recommend this show to anyone who enjoys moe animes to watch it at least once. An interesting fact to keep in mind is that all the characters names are based on real WWII aces and anyone who enjoys history should look them up.
Absolutley the best most epic seiries in the whole world . an ecchi fans wildest dream. a must whatch. good story, ecchi does'nt interfear with story, flawless charicters and plot. Absolutley the greatest i cannot stress enough to whatch.
Another story of a genre I adore. But having all female protagonists is also something I enjoy X3
There is hardly any more room for adorable and attractive theme in this series.
The antagonists are very enigmatic and ambiguous, even calling them bad guys is probably something regrettable.
When a fetish anime about girls who don't wear pants and constantly expose their panties, has to have an extra-fanservice episode where everyone loses their panties to a thief, it becomes too much to bear.
Most people think Strike Witches is trash because they think it's all about ecchi and fan-service. Although, you cannot deny that it has many scenes of fan-service, the truth is that it has a pretty interesting world concept/scenario, story & script (even more, if you're a military fan), and very adorable and lively characters. Besides, Humikane Shimada's artwork is topnotch. I enjoyed both seasons, and now a movie and a new commic series (Strike Witches Zero) were announced recently. I can't wait to see more from the SW world. ^_^
It was a good anime. It tied me over for a while and never made me want to stop watching halfway. I wished that my favorite character would have gotten more screen time, but she was just a side character so what can you do? The plot had the makings of a really good plot that seemed to be somewhat rushed to get it into a complete series. Some more side stories would have also been nice as the characters were decently well developed and side plots for each one would have completed the character development package. I kinda feel that this story had more to tell just got cut short to be a series.