Striped Legwear Theme
Tagged under Stripes, Pantyhose, Socks, Thigh Highs, Leggings, Apparel, Fashions, Tropes.
Thigh highs, socks, pantyhose or leggings that have a striped pattern.
Note: do not tag multicolored striped
legwear with White Legwear or Black Legwear.
Tip: for convenience, use the alias "STRL" when adding this tag
to images.
- Striped Thigh
- Striped Socks
- Striped Pantyhose
- Striped Leggings
Also see: Mismatched Legwear, Black
Legwear, White Legwear.
Striped Legwear Wallpapers
Dogs: Bullets and Carnage Wallpaper by Horseradish
Tearfish Wallpaper by Omone
Karneval Wallpaper by kara
K-On! Wallpaper by PaoPorsche
Touhou Wallpaper by Deto15
Green Glass Wallpaper by rizacaga
Dogs: Bullets and Carnage Wallpaper by Horseradish
Shakugan no Shana Wallpaper by rika23
Shinobu Oshino Wallpaper by Baraka-Senpai
Kazuaki Wallpaper by Deto15
Tiv Wallpaper by reesha
Chobits Wallpaper by Straawbeeryy
Idol Master Wallpaper by Leatkid