Tenchi Muyo Series, OVA
Tagged under Geneon/Pioneer, Anime International Company, Series.
Tenchi Masaki encounters a number of alien girls, who take residence at his house. The girls include Ryoko, a powerful
and sexy space pirate; Ayeka, a modest and somewhat snobby princess from the planet of Jurai; Sasami, Ayeka's cute and
helpful younger sister; Mihoshi, a bumbling Galaxy Police detective; Washu, a goddess and scientific genius; and
Ryo-Ohki, a cabbit (rabbit and cat) who transforms into Ryoko's spaceship. These women turn Tenchi's life upside-down
and take him on a number of adventures which help to reveal the boy's here-to-unknown powers.
Tenchi Muyo Wallpapers
Tenchi Muyo Scans
Warning: Undefined array key "footer" in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 3Rindinnikfindindiddles' Tenchi Muyo Ova Review
Warning: Undefined variable $cover in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 7Rated:
First of this show is very very hot. There, you made me say it, this show is sexy (okay I'm done with that no more detail, it is self explanatory... please!). Next it is hilarious, the constant character controversies spice up the series constantly, and is rather entertiaining on its own. The story was direct, but the plot was not (or am I confusing myself oh well) it was rather evasive and allowed for a nice veiwing experience as well as the initiative not to give the entire story away and make a repetive show (as I have seen on some of today's anime Aaach*naruto*ooo excuse me).
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Member Opinions
Rewatching the OVA-verse again for what feels like a long time since I last watched it and I still love it after many years. The OVA-verse is rather complex with the overall mythology surrounding the series with the stories of the Choushin (Tsunami, Washu, and Tokimi) and how they weaved the universe, plus how the characters are connected to each other in more ways than one. I'd say when it comes to the OVA-verse, the family tree there is by far the most intricate of family trees in anime/manga. The only series of the franchise I don't like is Tokyo and GXP.
I love this series for the most part. One of my first watches knowing it was anime was the "Tenchi in Love" movie. This is the series that helped drag me into the anime world.
The only hiccup of the whole bunch was Tenchi in Tokyo. The animation was strange and the VA's were horrid.
This anime was AWESOME when I saw it for the first time. It was a little bit of everything and that was rare for me at the time. The story was thrilling and it also was comical enough to make me sit through the boring parts.
used to be great and entertaining yet since when has the storyline dragged on and on and on? it's all a bit too much. even dragon ball had an ending. characters great at its time. different from any previous. plot is rather new, again at its time. it did open up a series of similar stories and production afterwards. created a trend.
Age range for this one was compatible for me when it was big. As such I own the entire Tenchi In Tokyo, as well as four
discs of Universe, Daughter of Darkness and Ryo-Ohki Perfect Collection 1.
I can't really say why I like it, other than the mix of serious and humor with again, some intellectual moments and
genuine emotion are very good.
Good show one of the best animes i've watched. Its got everything: action, adventure, drama, comedy, fantasy, sci-fi you name it. Not only that but its got a very good storyline as well. So watch and enjoy.