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Toshokan Sensou

Toshokan Sensou Series

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IshtarLamarain's Toshokan Sensou Tv Review

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Rated: 8

This is where the anime shines. It's comedic elements, a clearly defined plot which the anime revolves around makes a wonderful and emotional ride for the viewer. It's also got many parts where you want to hit the rewind button and rewatch, particularly the moments between the male and female lead. There's enough humor, frustration and fighting action to keep views on the edge of their seats or cheering for the lead or howling at the mostly unacknowledged romance between the two leads (which leads to some cute moments). There is also plenty of 'awwwwwww' moments and some hilarious one liners and scenes that brings out the personalities of the characters and leaves the viewer entertained.

Tagged under Toshokan Sensou | Warning: Undefined variable $comments in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 21 comments | Read More »

Member Opinions

Kaho1440 Kaho1440

Well, the plot is interesting. Composed of Love-chasing and Idealism war. The literal background is interesting too. I understand the 'ridiculous reason' behind the war. My country used to have some kind of similar problem back in the past. Well, it's worth to watch. I'm going to buy and read the manga

ghost945 ghost945

after watching, really wonder what's all that about? after a bit more research about the story, i'm still dumb-founded. what's the whole point in having a war because of libraries collection? what's all the fuss about? is that something worth fighting for or against? or is that the very thing that the story trying to address - that we spent too much effort and time on worthless area? i seem to have missed a very important and large piece in the story. or, maybe i just lack imagination.

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