Twin Tails Theme
Tagged under Hair.
A hairstyle where two bunches of hair are made, one on either side of the head.
Predominantly worn by females.
Note: This tag also applies to hairstyles where the lower
part of the hair is left down, such as here.
for convenience, use the alias "TT" when adding this tag to submissions.
Description: DokiDokiChan
Twin Tails Wallpapers
Black Rock Shooter Wallpaper by Valuna
Alphonse Wallpaper by Painter
Vocaloid Wallpaper by Valuna
Vocaloid Wallpaper by rosu
Alphonse Wallpaper by Cilou
Vocaloid Wallpaper by kagehikari
Kantoku Wallpaper by KazablanKa
Vocaloid Wallpaper by Sakon03
Crossovers Wallpaper by Wakaura
Black Rock Shooter Wallpaper by Cilou
Black Rock Shooter Wallpaper by Cilou
K-On! Wallpaper by EdotenseiHime
Nardack Wallpaper by Tina18
Vocaloid Wallpaper by asriel-kokomi
Black Rock Shooter Wallpaper by Cilou
Alphonse Wallpaper by Tina18
Vocaloid Wallpaper by Alenas
Sora no Woto Wallpaper by Katkoota