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Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito - Wallpaper and Scan Gallery

Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito

Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Series, Visual Novel

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Tagged under Carnelian, Orbit, Studio DEEN, Games, Series.

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    Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Wallpaper

  • Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Wallpaper

    Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Wallpaper

  • Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Wallpaper

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    Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Wallpaper

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    Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Wallpaper

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    Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Wallpaper

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    Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Wallpaper

  • Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Wallpaper

    Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Wallpaper

  • Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Wallpaper

    Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Wallpaper

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Bluecheese's Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Tv Review

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Rated: 7

Yami Boushi is not a hard series to grade. From any objective basis, it isn't great. But it can easily be a secret/guilty pleasure for many, simply because of its yuri elements.

I think this series is a success in terms of acheiving its goal of showing you good looking girls. Yami Boushi certainly doesn't take itself seriously from my perspective. The story makes several biblical references but the story doesn't really touch on those.

It's also worth mentioning that the OP animation in conjunction with the song is one of the best anime openings I've ever seen. And I've seen well over 250 series. Most anime OP are just a random showcase of characters and scenes. But this one really syncs with the music and showcases the beauty.

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Member Opinions

pandemonium91 pandemonium91

Very enjoyable, funny and slightly ecchi in some parts. Though it may take a bit to wrap your head around it, it's ultimately worth seeing, as long as you're willing to pay attention since the alternate universes and timelines can be quite confusing.

back07 back07

Hatsuki is a highschool student living alone with her classmate, Hatsumi, who she has a huge crush on. On Hatsumi's 16th birthday, she is suddenly surrounded by green light and disappears in front of Hatsuki. She manages to follow Hatsumi with the help of a being resembling a fat baby chick (literally), ending up in a place called the Great Library, which is full of different worlds stored in books. Hatsumi wasn't there, though, so the search for Hatsuki's great love begins and involves traveling from book to book.

ghost945 ghost945

fan service great, yet storyline jumps around a bit too much which is probably due to the fact that characters "jumped" from one book to the next in the footstep of her "sister" who is in fact one of the librarians of the universal library who apparently had too much time to waste. the whole idea about jumping from one book (or world) to the next is innovative. similar plot used can be found in works done by Clamp. it's almost like time traveling. highly appreciate such creativity.

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