Nagi no Asukara Scans
Member Opinions
The OP sounds really nice ^^ Definitely a love triangle forming between Hikari, Manaka and Tsumugu. You can tell Chisaki likes Hikari, but he seems to only have eyes for Manaka. Whereas Manaka seems to have a major crush on Tsumugu and he seems to like her in some way and there's potential brewing there. Hikari is definitely jealous.
But the time-skip turned all that on its head and everybody's feelings aren't the same anymore. The timeskip itself was a bit too sudden & poorly done. Hikari's still in love with Manaka, though ironically his body hasn't grown up over those years, his way of thinking seems to have matured a bit. Kaname=Chisaki, Sayu=Kaname, Chisaki no longer has the deep set love for Hikari that she had through the first half of the series, talk about an about face. I get that was a long time to wait, but damn. How about you wait for him to come back, confess your feelings, get your response and then move on if he says he doesn't feel the same way. Seems like instead of developing the characters after the timeskip they just were chasing cheap drama. Though I will say I was happy for Sayu and Kaname, because regardless of which guy Chisaki liked, it was never Kaname. And up until he kinda had no choice but to move on because Chisaki obviously had, she never had feelings for him in a romantic sense, he stayed the most true to his original feelings so I was happy to see him find someone who genuinely cared for him.
Uroko was the most interesting character here once the series was all said and done.
its been an rollercoster ride of emotions sense oct 2013 each thursday. ahh my fangirl heart was soring high~ gained 3
new OTPĀ“s too. Tsumugu x Chisaki, Hikari x Manaka & Kaname x Sayu *3*
this is a serie i will rewatch many times over. kinda sad its ending this week but also..i love it so much. its not
often i find a serie that has this sort of strong effect on me XD
/anime/ I don't enjoy this at all. The love polygon mess is getting incredibly tiring, and the overt focus on romantic love as basically the most important aspect of human life is so, so grating. (The world might be ending! Your parents aren't even waking up! And all you guys care about is whether [insert person here] likes you back?! Talk about priorities.) The worldbuilding is also awful and so full of plotholes I can't even. The character interactions are decent, usually, but the setting just detracts so much from this series that I wish Mari Okada had simply made this a regular school life romance series. It would've been more honest that way, that's for sure.