
RIN ~Daughters of Mnemosyne~ - Wallpaper and Scan Gallery

RIN ~Daughters of Mnemosyne~ Series

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Weskalia's RIN ~Daughters of Mnemosyne~ Tv Review

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Rated: 7

This mix of Christian legend with Greek, Norse mythologies succeeds because it does not aspire to be anything other than exactly what it is: a simple and usually straightforward fantasy story designed to entertain any anime fan. For a series this class, its supernatural settings and appropriate storytelling can impress anyone unlike those typical, dull fanservice anime which will immediately fail due to bad writings and overuse of undergarments.

However, as hilariously watchable it may get, it's really, really, REALLY violent and nasty. The series is completely inappropriate for kids and can infect your mind. I would recommend Mnemosyne to anyone, but beware and proceed with cautions.

And remember to turn down the volume unless you want your folks know what you're doing.

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Member Opinions

pikachu36 pikachu36

Where to even begin with this one.... Lol not a bad so, but deff one of the weirdest ones I have Ever seen. Yet this show talks a lot about the theories of life and death which really peaks my interests oh and lots of nudity. Rewatch value: ? Worth buying: not sure

Astara Astara

Thought this was an entire interesting anime -- MOST different from standard anime fair and most refreshing. Only 6 -1 hour episodes long. More like a long movie .. Rin is an immortal private investigator with a love of life -- men, women and vodka -- not necessarily in that order. She's pursued by those who want to control her and her immortality -- even if it means destroying her. Unfortunately some of her pursuers are also immortal making them especially difficult to avoid.

Contains nudity and plenty of gore. One of the more notable scenes showed her body pulling back in her intestines after they'd been blown out by a bomb. Yick! Done in dark light but you could tell enough. Nice sound track.

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