Yankee-kun to Megane-chan Series
Tagged under Miki Yoshikawa, Series.
In the beginning of the story, Daichi is introduced as a "Yankee" (Japanese term for delinquent) who likes to do nothing
and finds his high school life boring. Hana Adachi, the class representative in his class, does everything to get Daichi
involved in school activities... even if it means going inside the boys' bathroom! This confuses Daichi and leads to his
frustration until he learns of Hana's past.
Even though she may look like a typical nerdy student and a
stereotypical-type of class representative, Hana actually does not excel academically and has a lack of sense most of
the time. Later, Daichi finds out that she was also a Yankee like him (and feared by many other delinquents!) during her
middle school years. Hana regrets being one and decides to change herself by becoming the best class representative. She
has the goal of changing the delinquent's perspective that going to school is just a waste of time. AND the
misadventures of these two unlikely friends begin!
Credit: josephine12cute
Yankee-kun to Megane-chan Scans
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