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Warning: Undefined array key "footer" in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 3Weskalia's Devil May Cry Tv Review
Warning: Undefined variable $cover in /var/www/minitokyo/www/html2/reviews.html on line 7Rated:
"The anime won't be as good as the game," that was my first thought long before watching. How? Because I have experienced and know that most video game-adapted works often end up bad. Devil May Cry the anime, in a way, proves to be not much different than a "for the fans" show as most of its audience were gamers. It's IS because these types were adapted from video games (and hardcore action nonetheless), they usually don't have much of a great plot and depend too heavily on overused genre elements. Unless you're a real Devil May Cry fan, you may see otherwise.
In the end, Devil May Cry isn't a terrible show, just sad and plain boring. But even at that, it won't ruin the reputation of the franchise and can still be considered a good entertainment after a few hours of demon-slashing.
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Member Opinions
One of the first animes I ever watched (almost ten years ago). Back then I thought it was pretty amazing, Dante's so hot and all, but now that I compare it to others, I think it's only so-so. Worth the watch if you're a fan of the video games, though hardcore fans could end up feeling disappointed.
Gotta say I love being able to play a video game that I also can watch too :). Really cool concept, tons of action and out dated fashion XD. Overall all I won't talk too much about this series sense most of us have either seen it or played it. Rewatch value: 8 worth buying: Yes if you are a fan.
A good anime, but in my opinion it needs more action, more blood and more chapters. They could exploit much more the character that is Dante. Half human and half demon. I expected more from this anime.
I like Dante's character. I never play Devil May Cry games except Devil May Cry 4 (which is Nero as the main character). I dont know much about Dante more than him in DMC4. But this anime helped me to know more about the young Dante. His personality is interesting. Cool, but bad at gamble. His favorite food are pizza (like in the game) n strawberry sundae (so childish^^). But thats why he is interesting.
I dont like to "bash" shows so i would just say that the problem with the show was the lack of story, and the fight scenes were usually too dark or to fast to see whats going on. i would say dont watch
Pretty good, considering it was an anime based on a video game made by Capcom. Dante was his usual self, cockiness and all his smart ass comments. I thought Patty was a little bit annoying and irritating at times. Though I do think the anime could've been way better if it was made later, because Madhouse does do a pretty awesome job with their anime and with the amount of action and gore.
Dante is an amazing character (with a nice twist for some of us who know The Divine Comedy), he does really cool things all over the games... So, why do they do this to him and to his fans? There's barely an unified plot, the missions and adventures are kinda boring and the little girl's presence is not really justified. Art and dynamics are quite fine, but just as is it in a game: No matter how appealing may the graphics look, if the story is weak and the gameplay is boring... throw it away.
Could have been a lot better, the anime I mean. I love the game, but the TV show is just kind of waste of time. Its a shame cause with the DMC world they should be able to do something a lot more... ambitious and amazing.
Awsome soundtrack and lots of fun!! If you are a fan of DMC, definitely go with this anime. You might be surprised because this anime doesn't now have some of the known fanservice that we look for (like Dante turning into the demon form) and many of the episodes might look like they are fillers in this already short show, but it is still pretty good and Dante is awesome as always~!
An anime adaptation of the game, taking place after the 1st game and before the 4th. It has a different feel than the game, which is quite disappointing. Moreover, the over-the-top actions aren't here either. Not a great anime on its own, but it becomes one if you see it as a complement of the DMC universe.
could have been more action but loved some of the corny lines. I don't know why I liked this one so much. there aren't many fans of this, but it was just enough to keep me entertained. I rented it and probably won't bother with owning it. there just wasn't enough there for me to own it, but I would rent and watch it again though.
I was expecting the most hardcore anime ever...then it turned out to be like some kind of high school drama. The caracters are also rather shallow and cliche. I was really bored. Of course, this is just my feeling. Long time fans, no need to feel offended. I'm sure it's a great anime and I just have odd taste.
The anime is not good as videogame. The anime stories are boring, the action is practically nonexistent, and Dante is more of a cameo than the main character, hardly talks and has no attitude. I love the game and they share the same title.I'll just ignore this and expect something better next time if they decide to adapt DMC into something else(like a 2nd anime season,which I highly doubt,or a movie if they already haven't).
I really liked the series but I have to say as a DMC fanatic it wasn't all that. If you haven't played DMC or don't know the story line then the anime won't make much sense to you since it doesn't explain who the characters are. I wish there was more fighting scenes like in the first episode. But all in all it was very good to watch.