Jigoku Shoujo

Jigoku Shoujo Series

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Tagged under Miyuki Etoo, Studio DEEN, Series.

Rumor has it that somewhere on the Internet there is a website accessible only at midnight -- the Hotline to Hell -- where people can ask the Hell Girl to take revenge on people who have wronged them. However, when one person is cursed, two graves are dug, for if the Hell Girl fulfils your request, you too will be consigned to the pit of Hell when you die. Would you untie the red ribbon and sell your soul to the Hell Girl for vengeance?

Description: shinsengumi

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MapleRose's Jigoku Shoujo Tv Review

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Rated: 6

The premise of the series is pretty neat and interesting. Each story takes a look at human nature, the injustices that exist in today's society, and our desire to take revenge even though it can't bring back what's already lost. Many people rely on Jigoku Tsushin and Jigoku Shoujo as a way out of their problems, even though in many instances the problem could be resolved by talking it over or by other means without having to condemn your soul to Hell. The crimes of the victims going to Hell varies, some deserve it more than others (and I admit it's very satisfying to see those who have it coming get their due). Whether Jigoku Shoujo is right or not in what she's doing is up to the viewer to decide.

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Member Opinions

LenoreDiKaat LenoreDiKaat

The first season gets a little tiring after a few episodes, though they're all not related. Some cases are good some are just meh. And watching Enma's transformation every time can get annoying. I hated the end of the third season, totally not what I was expecting.

renlilica renlilica

The plot is a bit monotonous, almost the same in all the episodes though some episodes can be really heart breaking.
The last episode of season two was really heart breaking nearly cried. I really like Ai the protagonist she's pretty and most of all her character is just, can't find the words.

xChibiSakura xChibiSakura

I've only watched the first and third seasons and I was expecting a lot from the third since it was said there was going to be a new Jigoku Shoujo, but I was disappointed... again .___. The first and second seasons are pretty much the same: people making requests, people sent to Hell and so on. In the third season they mixed up things a little bit, but halfway through it they went back to the same old stuff. I finished it because I was looking forward to seeing this new Jiguko Shoujo but the ending is so disappointing. I wouldn't recommend it that much, only if you're a hardcore fan of the previous two seasons.

404UserNotFound 404UserNotFound

Very interesting :D I have been searching for this anime ever since My friend tried to introduce me to it but its been so long and it was back when I barely could remember Japanese words so yeah. Its kinda interesting to me atleast. I mean to some this style of anime is boring but to me its not

orange-lisa orange-lisa

What if there's someone who can send your enemies to hell at the cost of your soul? Would you take revenge of someone you hate?
Original idea, but, since it's episodic, is quite repetitive.

ENMA AI: "You are coming with me, we are going to hell."

WalkingEncyclopedia WalkingEncyclopedia

I've got a friend who is CRAZY about this anime. I saw her drawing Enma Ai on her sketchbook and asked her about the beautiful and expressionless doll-like girl and she started gushing about the anime so I decided to give it a try. I persisted for 13 episodes and I finally gave up.
The idea is really original and creative. I like how the story does not really judge vengeance but merely points out the cost of it. It also shows that sometimes life is just so cruel that it gives people no choice but to resort to vengeance.
The art is great, but episodic shows never score well from me coz I look for plot development, which of course, cannot be found in episodic shows. So after 13 episodes, I couldn't stand the boredom and stopped watching.

evelluchia evelluchia

i found this series a very interisting story to watch every epesode is a new story but theres also a main story though characters are repeditive using different names the story behind it is very good and is a very wild adventure from way back in japans hystory i highly reccamend this series to anyone who loves a good anime ^-^ you surely wont be dissapointed with this series i assure you ^-^

singlemoon singlemoon

Haven't watch the Mitsuganae completely.
Jigoku Shoujo brings out the darker side of human into spotlight, it's realistic and some of the episodes are very heart-wrenching. Not a fan for the ending of Futakomori, but thinking back, maybe it's the best for her.
Looking forward to watch the Mitsuganae completely. :)

sakurarukia0506 sakurarukia0506

Love every thing about this story,although the drawing is totally diffent from manga,it's still very good.Ohhhh Ai Enma,how beautiful you are!!!! The end of season 2 is so sad and the 3rd season is super weird but I still like it anyway ^o^

angelxxuan angelxxuan

sad ending. each season a twist upon itself, regardless of the ending to whichever season it was still so sad :( but I came and went with this one and I watched everyone and didn't watch it via spoilers

GunsxShurikens GunsxShurikens

It's storyline was awesome as it reveals what human desires most when come to getting revenge on those they hate.
First season: Got me hooked up and want to watch more.
Second season: Just get more amazing and interesting. A bit sad that Ai got killed in the end of this season.
Third season: On of the best season amongst the series. It's so different from the first two season because it contains much nudity and a bit of yuri. I like yuri, so yeah.
Those who doesn't get it after you watch half of the first season, you better just give up because it gets much more complicated as it progress.
Recommended to those who like dark and informative type anime.


This I would have to say is the only series that I've gotten into that's totally serious. There's just something compelling about the series that makes you want to continue to watch. I want to know more about Ai...

yumikojang yumikojang

I rated this 8 not because i didn't like it that much but i guess i'm just really such a coward because whenever i watch this, chills really come down to my spine but nevertheless, i really enjoy(and love) it! :)

6969 6969

I really like this stories...although it'll be really creepy if it happened to us 'coz it's remind me of Sadako... >.<'
But, above all, this series is great...you'll find romance, horror, history..all packed into one... ^^

Ps : couples episodes might be really creepy so i recommend you not to watch it in the midnight while you're alone too.. ^^


just started watching this! it's VERY interesting and different. and the most interesting thing is that i always feel defensive towards the hell girl and finds it annoying when that guy always tries to prevent people from pulling the red string.. like, it's hard to explain but i keep thinking, 'stop interfering with her 'job'!' u know? keke

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