Glasses Off Theme
Tagged under Glasses.
Use this tag for characters that are not wearing glasses/sunglasses/goggles on their nose or head, but the glasses are still visible in the image (for example,
in the characters' hands, on a table etc.).
Also see: Adjusting Glasses.
Glasses Off Wallpapers
Neon Genesis Evangelion Wallpaper by AssasinXXX
Brothers Conflict Wallpaper by Monu-chan
Kyoukai no Kanata Wallpaper by MaronKuzakawe
D.N.Angel Wallpaper by Alenas
Angel Dust Wallpaper by xianghua
Angel Dust Wallpaper by burijetto
Lovely Idol Wallpaper by shirahana
Kino no Tabi Wallpaper by Tama-Neko
Angel Dust Wallpaper by Nageen
Lovely Idol Wallpaper by Fern
D.N.Angel Wallpaper by aya000