Alternate Version Theme

Google · Zerochan

Tagged under Contrast, Source Materials.

Use this tag for sets of images that are overall similar, with minor variations.

For information on what duplicate scans are allowed, please see the FAQ's subheading "Why are some duplicate scans kept?".
Also see the description of the Game CG tag for rules of submitting similar-looking game CGs.

Examples of acceptable alternate versions include but are not limited to:
1. images varying in size, but with the same composition e.g. 403732, 455150, 423940.
2. images with the same basic "template" and minor variations e.g. characters with different clothes but in the same poses (469809 and 469806).
3. textless and text-filled versions of the same image e.g. 527543 and 534047.
4. images with a similar general aesthetic e.g. 409299 and 545721.
5. recreation of a manga image in an anime style.
6. wallpapers that have multiple versions submitted by the same creator.

Sets like 601228 + 601227 are NOT cases of Alternate Version.

Tip: to search within specific galleries, use "Alternate Version, tag name" e.g. Alternate Version, Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi.

Also see: Alternate Age, Similar Opposites.

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